Questioning American Politics?


Did our continental plates shift? Did we just decide to become a country that establishes a selected monarchy on the will of a few? What happened to voting? What happened to our elected officials? Do they blindly follow the party? Do political parties not hold elections anymore? These questions have unfolded since President Joe Biden stepped down from the democratic election. It's up to us, the concerned American citizens, to question and demand answers about this shift in our political landscape. 
When did America become a monarchy? The " hierarchy" in the democratic party forced a democratically elected President who won the primary to step down from office. The time to decide was a year ago. However, they did nothing, and we, the people, are in a situation that we never asked. I am demanding answers. To some of these valid questions?


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

For the most part I trust the mainstream media.

For the most part.  

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
NRSKarenRN said:

Majority of Fox "News" that make things up is during evening prime time viewing 8PM-11PM.  One of my sons doesn't believe anything on ABC/CBS/Fox/NBC/CNN/MSNBC as all "propaganda" but believes in his X Twitter news feed for its information " is what MSM holding back from citizens".   Bull I say.  Main stream news is vetted, with corrections  published when they get it wrong.   Yes, broadcast news has an angle or spin more so in past 10years but still mostly accurate AND I look at source material they present.   

Anything can say what they want on internet, doesn't mean its accurate;  he's learned to double check after I push back on link he sends me with multiple sources  sent in reply.  While doing his wash was ranting about US energy production and need to drill baby drill. Informed him that US IS  #1 worldwide oil producer and Biden approved more lease production --his phone internet search confirmed my statement.  

US citizens too gullible accepting first thing their friends/news feed sends them.  SO intense vetting of ads/news feeds needed over next 9 months paramount to maintain a democracy.

It's crazy what people will believe and repeat today in the era where a former president can tell a lie every 90 seconds in a debate and no one talks about it because it's normal for that guy. Dishonesty is accepted as an "everybody does it" issue when no one wants to admit that one guy is a pathological liar with clear evidence of NPD and sociopathic symptoms.  It's great that your son will read your links and accept your thoughts.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
toomuchbaloney said:

For the most part.  

Yes for the most part.  I don't think the mainstream media is the enemy of the people or fake news.  It's the foundation of our most basic rights and in the sources I frequent the most like NPR or BBC, I have a high level of trust.  Sometimes though I need to take a deeper dive, or wait and see.  Examples might be the hype surrounding Kyle Rittenhouse who was innocent or the Trump Russia story.  

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Tweety said:

Yes for the most part.  I don't think the mainstream media is the enemy of the people or fake news.  It's the foundation of our most basic rights and in the sources I frequent the most like NPR or BBC, I have a high level of trust.  Sometimes though I need to take a deeper dive, or wait and see.  Examples might be the hype surrounding Kyle Rittenhouse who was innocent or the Trump Russia story.  

I also trust NPR. 

It's commonplace for authoritarians and fascists to call the media "fake" so that people won't believe them. Fascists discredit any person agency or institution which exposes their lies and corruption.  

nursej22 said:

Harris is not the nominee yet, officially. Primaries and caucuses choose the delegates who then choose the nominee. The delegates were elected, and they will in turn, elect a nominee. 
During the general election in November, all citizens may cast a vote. 
As for me, I have no party affiliation, so I had no say in choosing delegates. My state is so small, that it has role in the final electoral count. It's always been this way. 

According to the news, they made an unofficial call with delegates and agreed it would be Vice President Harris. Why not have a primary where she can be challenged and win the nomination? Not one major political Democrat is speaking up; I have nothing against her. I just wished they had an election, and the people's vote was the determination, not an appointed one.  

Tweety said:

Relax, you will still be able to elect the President, Biden just won't be on the ballot.  What is this monarchy you're talking about?

Yes, it's unprecedented for the one who has one the primaries to drop out of the race and his successor will not have won a primary.  But we still be able to vote and a king or queen will not take the throne.


Yes, she was selected by the president, not elected by the people. How can you be for the people if the people you are " for" were not given a chance to vote? 

NRSKarenRN said:

Nationally prior to 1973, it was ONLY political party bosses and convention delegates who made the choice at the convention for who ran in the  general Presidential election.

PA has a closed Primary election: only members of each party chooses candidates. For Democrats, Its been the Biden-Harris ticket with voters choosing them or other candidates who ran: Dean Phillips got just 3.5%, Biden remainder 96.5%.   Under the Pennsylvania Election Code, the presidential and vice presidential nominees selected at the Democratic National Convention will appear on the general election ballot as the Democratic candidates for president and vice president.  Similar in other states.   

No Labels party could not attract a candidate to run for President as major national alternative to R-Trump +  D-Biden. Still have other smaller party candidates to choose from: Green, Libertarian parties have persons meeting President ballot.


Yes, but we should vote for someone who can win. The current situation is R-Trump + D-Harris. It is challenging for me. 

toomuchbaloney said:

For the most part.  

All news has an agenda and some type of political bias depending on the campaign year.

toomuchbaloney said:

It's crazy what people will believe and repeat today in the era where a former president can tell a lie every 90 seconds in a debate and no one talks about it because it's normal for that guy. Dishonesty is accepted as an "everybody does it" issue when no one wants to admit that one guy is a pathological liar with clear evidence of NPD and sociopathic symptoms.  It's great that your son will read your links and accept your thoughts.

Twitter has no news standard and not everything is verified. It is clickbait.

Specializes in Public Health, TB.
luv2 said:

Yes, but we should vote for someone who can win. The current situation is R-Trump + D-Harris. It is challenging for me. 


There are a lot of people who are very much in favor of Harris, and more every day. I think she can win, and right now, I don't think anyone else has access to the funds to support a run for president this close to election day. 

I am sorry you are feeling challenged. In the eight or nine presidential races I have voted in, I seldom had a candidate that was my first choice. 

nursej22 said:

There are a lot of people who are very much in favor of Harris, and more every day. I think she can win, and right now, I don't think anyone else has access to the funds to support a run for president this close to election day. 

I am sorry you are feeling challenged. In the eight or nine presidential races I have voted in, I seldom had a candidate that was my first choice. 

You are right about the funding. It is very disappointing that this is our option. Honestly, it will be the first time I do not want to vote for either candidate. R-Trump has this whole agenda called Project 2025, which is beyond scary. D-Harris did not operate at her potential. 

Specializes in Public Health, TB.
luv2 said:

. D-Harris did not operate at her potential. 

What does this mean? Her potential for what? 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
luv2 said:

Yes, but we should vote for someone who can win. The current situation is R-Trump + D-Harris. It is challenging for me. 

All news has an agenda and some type of political bias depending on the campaign year.

Harris can win. It's always candidate R vs candidate D. 

Yes.  All media has a bias.  


luv2 said:

Twitter has no news standard and not everything is verified. It is clickbait.

Everything on the internet is without "news" standards.  Click bait is the normal. People must seek out important information.  

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