Published Oct 1, 2007
86 Posts
I have a interview tomorrow for a OR new grad program.
I really really want this job, I am not to thrilled with being a Scrub nurse, but very excited about Pre op and Post op (PACU) section.
As I mentioned before I really want this job and my last interview was a disaster (So I am a little stressed)
What are some questions I should/could ask the interviewer?
What are some areas I can address?
I really want to impress the interviewer-
All advice is welcomed.
ebear, BSN, RN
934 Posts
Why specifically was your last interview a "disaster"?
You should show great enthusiasm for being allowed the privilege of learning ALL ASPECTS of perioperative nursing. In order to understand the entire process, it is very helpful to have some experience in each area. Ask how long the preceptorship continues and about the opportunities for advancement in the future. This area is quite challanging.. You are not likely to get "bored". You will also be more marketable if you learn to scrub and circulate and if PACU is also considered, that is a plus! Good Luck!!
358 Posts
I have a interview tomorrow for a OR new grad program.I really really want this job, I am not to thrilled with being a Scrub nurse, but very excited about Pre op and Post op (PACU) section.As I mentioned before I really want this job and my last interview was a disaster (So I am a little stressed)What are some questions I should/could ask the interviewer?What are some areas I can address?I really want to impress the interviewer-All advice is welcomed.Thanks
Most nurses rarely scrub. You will most likely circulate most of the time. Pre-op and PACU are not very exciting. You will spend about 5 minutes in each per case.
Here are some questions to ask....
1. Do nurses scrub or just circulate?
2. What will most likely be my permanent shift after I am trained?
3. How often will I take call?
4. Do nurses specialize in one type of surgery or do all nurses do every type of surgery?
5. How many months is orientation?
During your interview, remember to smile a lot. It shows confidence and makes you likable. NEVER say anything negative. For example, don't say you are interested in the O.R. because you don't like floor nursing.
2 Posts
he wont be able to scrub. all the surg techs do that now
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
Not every place is like that, though.
It is true that most nurses circulate; however, occasionally you may be assigned to scrub. You really should try to learn both roles. It is very helpful to scrubs if the RN knows what is going in the scrub's role. She/he should know from that experience what type of needle, suture, etc. the scrub needs without asking. (in my 30+ yrs. that has been my experience).
What is taking call? is that counting the supplies and badages?
I have no idea. By the way the training will be for 9 months.
I think that is great and enough time to learn a whole lot.
What is taking call? is that counting the supplies and badages?I have no idea. By the way the training will be for 9 months.I think that is great and enough time to learn a whole lot.
Taking call is being "on call." For example, the hospital i work for has no night shift, it is call time. Where i work, one night call a week is required. So let's say i'm on call tomorrow night. My call time starts at 11 pm and ends at 7 am. If any urgent/emergent cases need to be done during that time, i'd be one of the people called in during that time.
TAKING CALL = coming back to work for emergencies after you've already worked all day. Most hospitals will offer you the following day off, but it can depend on staffing needs.
RN BSN 2009
1,289 Posts
good luck!
Every one keeps saying I need Med/ Surg experince, but isn't OR experience just as good, if not better?
I think it is.
594 Posts
What a WONDERFUL opportunity for you as a new nurse and congratulations! Wow! I bet you ARE excited! I would be over the moon if that were where I was starting out getting my feet wet in the nursing arena! Hats off to ya, hon. You're gonna do just fine.:Melody: