Published Aug 4, 2006
colleennurse, ASN, RN
342 Posts
Just a quick question for those of you in NY that have already passed the NCLEX. How long did it take for them to update the website? Just curious. Also did you notice if they took you off the permit a few days before you were given a license number?
47 Posts
i waited six days. What's so weird to that I now have 2 listings for my license number, even though I never requested a name change! They listed one with my middle name, as i requested on my license application, and another with just my middle initial since that was on my ID at the Pearson Vue center. good too see my name up there though:) i already have the number memorized hahah
395 Posts
Wow! lucky ones, congratulations - I want to see my name there sooo badly too :(
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
Six days seems to be the magic number :) I've checked on a few of my classmates, when I knew their test dates, and they were all six days (except for one who was 7, that was weeks ago).
Didn't have a permit, sorry, don't know.
I saw that a few times now! Kinda weird, but at least it's the same license number, right? :)
I know mine by heart, too :)
1 Post
Hello everyone. I'm waiting for license as RN (from NM to NY), also I'm a foreing nurse, so I want to know about how long can take it.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
As you will be going the CVS route (all foreign nurses have to for NY) you are looking on average 6-8 months