Question about Nursing in Delaware


Hi, Delaware hospital's I read somewhere only hire nurse's with BSNs...Is there any truth to that? Can a nurse find work in Delaware hospital with an Associate's degree in Nursing?

Appreciate the feedback.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

The best way to get accurate information is to check out job postings that interest you. Some may state BSN preferred or BSN required. Currently, it is an employer's market, and they can afford to be choosy about who they interview/hire. One method they are using is to require the BSN. If you want to work in a Delaware hospital and most of the job postings are requiring a BSN, you will need to decide if you are willing to make the commitment to get that BSN. Education opens a lot of doors that otherwise remain closed.

Appreciate the feedback. Currently working towards completing my LPN looking to bridge to BSN, but those programs are mostly down South. So probably go for my RN and bridge to a MSN. Was looking at moving down to Delaware once I get my LPN. Once I achieve my RN would want to return back to working in the hospital setting again.

Specializes in critical care.

You will probably not find anything as an LPN. ADN-RNs are all over the hospitals in DE. BSN might end up being preferred, but not required.

I was told wesley has a LPN to BSN pathway. My dad works at a hospital and they hire ADNs fresh out of school all the time, they are actually having a huge shortage right now.. And look on craigslist there are a lot of jobs for LPNs

My aunt works in a Delaware hospital with an associate's degree, however, she has just completed her BSN degree. so many hospitals are starting to only require BSN degrees, but i would think they would hire associate degrees who seek further education to getting their BSN. But this is just what i think. i could be wrong on the hiring part of this post.

I was told wesley has a LPN to BSN pathway. My dad works at a hospital and they hire ADNs fresh out of school all the time, they are actually having a huge shortage right now.. And look on craigslist there are a lot of jobs for LPNs

I go to Wesley for the BSN program, but i knew a girl who was already an LPN and got to test out of the introduction to nursing class and maybe some other class. So you can talk to the nursing chairman (who by the way is very nice and also the President of the Board of Nursing for Delaware) and he can help you figure out what works best for you.

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