Published Aug 27, 2005
37 Posts
I need a nurses advice. I feel like I have something stepping on my chest. When I breathe in it hurts even worse and it goes up my throat. Does anybody know what could be wrong with me? It just started today and it is gettin worse as time goes on. Any help would be appreciated.
HappyNurse2005, RN
1,640 Posts
I need a nurses advice
this nurses advice:
go to ED or call you doc
231 Posts
This is not the place for this.
Please consult your friendly healthcare professional.
(This is against TOS for this site)
I hope you feel better soon. :)
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
GO TO THE ER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is not a medical advice bulletin board
This is a board for nurses and nurses-to-be to discuss primarily nursing issues. This is not a free medical advice board. Please be aware that cannot be responsible for problems resulting from reliance on medical or nursing advice received here. If you have a medical problem, please seek attention from your health care provider."
35 Posts
Sound like you need to go to the E/R for eval. Now! Good luck.
UM Review RN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 5,163 Posts
Yes. Please do.
475 Posts
Terms of service:
This is not a medical advice bulletin boardThis is a board for nurses and nurses-to-be to discuss primarily nursing issues. This is not a free medical advice board. Please be aware that cannot be responsible for problems resulting from reliance on medical or nursing advice received here. If you have a medical problem, please seek attention from your health care provider."
allele, LPN
247 Posts
I hope you took everyone's great advice and went to the are you doing? Please update!
Well the pain has gotten worse again as the day goes on. I took 3 Advil before I went to bed. I would love to go to the ER but I have no insurance!
705 Posts
You really need to get checked out. The ER has to treat you, can't turn you away for no insurance. Or you could go to an urgent care, charges might be less there, but you need some medical treatment.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,743 Posts
Rochester is a big city, surely there's an ER that will treat you without insurance. You are having symptoms of a heart attack that needs to be ruled out. Could be musculoskelatal, could be GI, or could be cardiac. You need an ER and STAT.
Good luck and keep in touch.
Rochester is a big city, surely there's an ER that will treat you without insurance. You are having symptoms of a heart attack that needs to be ruled out. Could be musculoskelatal, could be GI, or could be cardiac. You need an ER and STAT. Good luck and keep in touch.
Well I live in Arizona but now it is more in my throat and it kinda feels like asthma-bronchitis. I am trying to avoid the doctor because of the money issue.