Published Sep 24, 2012
103 Posts
I heard that A&P is has a 50% pass rate and those whom have not had a science classs in the last 2-3 years will have true is this? The reason I ask is I plan to take my pre reqs over a course of a year and a half, begining with English, Math, Medical Terminology, and Pysc......the plan is to start A&P 1 next fall along with Chemistry and a few other classes.......would I be better off to switch something around and take Chemistry this coming Spring before A&P1......I mean it's a form of science class???? Am I overthinking this? I took a less complex form of A&P in surgical tech class many years ago, although it was more anatomy than physiology, but I still did really well then....I'd love to hear what other people, have done or are you wish youhad done anything differently?
1,163 Posts
I think you should be fine especially because you have taken anatomy before. For my A & P class, our first exam was a review on chapters 1-3 and included some chemistry. So chemistry might be a good warm up class for anatomy. Good luck!
Stcroix, ASN, PhD, RN
450 Posts
Yes, I think you are over-thinking it. In my experience 50% do not fail A&P, and if you do, you can forget nursing school. You should shoot for an 'A' as in all your prereqs as it is very competitive to get into many schools. I took A&P and had not had a science course in like 30 years. I studied a lot and did very well. Don't psych yourself out, psych yourself up!
Thanks ladies, I think I will do fine, but sometimes reading or listening to other peoples opinions can really make you second guess! I am totally ready for this!
255 Posts
I am a 41yr old student in a BSN program at the University of South Florida. When I took A&P, yes there was a 50% fail rate for A&P 1 but then the dead weight had been weeded out for A&P 2. The pass/fail rate depended on the professor and my professor was awesome. And awesome to me means that you learned a ton in his class. He was tough on us but we knew what he expected from us. I received a B in A&P 1 and an A in A&P 2 and that was without having taken a science class in over 20 years. Doing well in A&P was a great bonus when I was in Pathophysiology because A&P is about 1/3 of the class.
Having seen students that have not succeeded in getting good grades in their pre-req's, usually they do not do what it takes to get the grades. A&P is a hard class.... period. There is no way of getting around spending a tremendous amount of time studying. If you study hard, then you will be successful in all of your pre-req's. I was able to get accepted into my university with a 3.9 GPA.
If you are committed to doing well then you should be fine!
Thanks ladies, I feel better now! I am so excited for this and just want to do the best I can!!!
31 Posts
I am also in my early 40's and have not had a college class in over 15 years! I got A's in both A&P I and II. I had my kids drill me on the anatomy part and my prof was very good at using analogies for the physiology. I recalled most of this stuff from high school! It's always easier the second time around, even 25 years later! Now I'm taking microbiology and the same is true: I don't remember WHEN I had this stuff, but it's familiar and that makes all the difference to me!
1 Post
I have a B.S. degree in criminology and want to get a 2 year degree in nursing, I am 55 now. Will my basic courses like math, english etc be credited you think? I also was a combat medic in the Navy in the 80's. What do I need to do to get into nursing school? Thanks
As far as your basic being credited it really depends on your schools preference.....mine did not allow mine, that were from 2000....due to the fact that they were more than 5 years old.....sounds like you need to contact your school to get started in the right direction. But your transcripts will be handy anyway, so go ahead and dig those out!
Exhaustipated, ADN, BSN
440 Posts
I think the pass/fail rate in A&P is less about how recent your last science class was and more about your motivation as a student and willingness to prioritize studying above all else. As another older student, I hadn't had any classes in over 25 years, but was able to get A's in A&P I and II. Don't overthink things and psych yourself out. Instead, find the study method that works best for you and put lots of effort behind it.
Thanks guys, I feel much better!
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
I don't agree that 50% fail. However, in some schools, Chem is a pre-req for A&P. Considering your first exam is usually a review of cell biology, Chem will come in handy.
Don't build up A&P to be a "scary" class. Is it easy? No, it's not. However, it's not the dreaded, fearful thing that it appears to be. If you put in the required time & effort to adequately study, memorize and learn the material, you will do just fine. I think a class is "tough" or "hard" because of perception. If you enjoy studying it (even if it's hard) and you find the material interesting, then you're going to get a lot out of it. You should enjoy A&P if you want to be a nurse
And don't worry about how long it is between classes. My last college course was 18 years ago and I jumped right in to my pre-req courses and got an A. You can do it!!!