PVAMU Spring 2015

U.S.A. Texas



I am applying to PVAMU in the spring of 2015. I wanted to start a thread and see who else may be applying.


Congratulations to you as well. Just to be on the safer side, I will try to turn in my packet before or on the 15. I am cpr certified and I believe my shots are up to date. I will be setting a dr's apptment for my physical/ tb test this monday.

That's good! For the vaccines, it stated that titers are required... and it'll take 2-3 days to get the result... they gave us a really short time to complete the requirements...

Okay cool! I will definitely look on har.com thanks Kelhaye!

Update for everyone else the return package checklist is due on oct 27 not the 15. Also you can turn it in person at the campus on fannin.

Update for everyone else the return package checklist is due on oct 27 not the 15. Also you can turn it in person at the campus on fannin.

So im hoping that they have sent out all the letters otherwise that would give other people a really short time

I hope so too that's a really short notice I wish they told us earlier to do CPR class and shots.

What...........? I also received this emai, but I haven't received my admission packet!! I am freaking out!!!! Oh my god! A mistake or a surprise????????

The email's title is " to all admissions"

Hello everyone

I've been accepted as well and the admissions counselor sent an email about the packets being sent out with an updated checklist attached, since the original one has the incorrect date to submit everything. Congrats to everyone and for those who are still waiting, tomorrow maybe the day to receive the packets since today is a holiday and the mail isn't running. I'm still waiting for my actual package because i'm not from the Houston area.I know a friend who was accepted for fall 2014 and she was still taking classes, so don't worry! Good luck everyone and I look forward to meeting you all! :)

Thanks, gracewill22. Don't worry too much, voishay1990! I feel the same with you one hour ago. Your status is good enough to be admitted. Hope to see you at the orientation.

Is there anyone that got accepted that has not yet completed their pre-requisite courses?

Also, can everyone that got accepted please post their stats? (HESI, GPA and support GPA). Thanks

Congrats also on getting in....

Amara my grades were meh and I turned it in on the last day of the deadline I think as long as your hesi is total above 80 you have a good shot in getting in but my hesi was 88. GPA 3.62. Support 3.5

Amara my grades were meh and I turned it in on the last day of the deadline I think as long as your hesi is total above 80 you have a good shot in getting in but my hesi was 88. GPA 3.62. Support 3.5

My potential GPA is a little on the lower end and it scares me because I cannot repeat any more classes to potentially raise my GPA and I will not have completed all the pre-reqs by the time i apply, so how will they go about the calculation?

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