Published Sep 3, 2005
canoehead, BSN, RN
6,901 Posts
I was in a car accident about a week and a half ago, and got thrown against the steering wheel. I was very lucky though, just aches and pains even though the car was declared a total loss.
Now I am pretty sure I'm getting a case of pneumonia. Cough, fever, achey chest, the whole bit. I am going to go see my doc on Wednesday, and in the meantime it's Motrin, and alternating wintertime blankets with ice cold AC, and trying to do some deep breathing and coughing (ouch!)
I thought any effects from the accident would show up within 48h, and I'm just curious to see if anyone knows of issues coming up 8-9 days later. Of course I'm not beyond fishing for a little sympathy too. Thanks guys.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
Get well soon.
Wednesday may be a bit too long to wait, this is only Saturday. Maybe a trip to a convenient care clinic for an Xray is in order. You may have a pleural effusion, or the very least need to go on some antibiodics for the pneumonia don't you think?
In the meaning time make sure those breathes are nice and deep and slow and take your motrin. Best wishes.
Yeah, Wednesday is a long time, but I work the next 4 nights so if I feel too bad I may hit up one of the ER docs for a hand. You know, look pitiful and cough a lot. We don't have doc-in-a-box here, and I would feel like a dope going to an ER unless I was actually in the process of dying. I am going to splurge an get a thermometer for the numbers to back up my pitifulness.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I was in a car accident about a week and a half ago, and got thrown against the steering wheel. I was very lucky though, just aches and pains even though the car was declared a total loss. Now I am pretty sure I'm getting a case of pneumonia. Cough, fever, achey chest, the whole bit. I am going to go see my doc on Wednesday, and in the meantime it's Motrin, and alternating wintertime blankets with ice cold AC, and trying to do some deep breathing and coughing (ouch!)I thought any effects from the accident would show up within 48h, and I'm just curious to see if anyone knows of issues coming up 8-9 days later. Of course I'm not beyond fishing for a little sympathy too. Thanks guys.
Oh my how terrible. Get get well soon and take it easy. :)
1,119 Posts
Just an update, I was trying to sleep before work this afternoon and finally reached the end of my rope, so called in sick and told them I was coming in to be seen in the ER. I got diagnosed with pneumonia, and sent home with a script for Zithromax and Albuterol.
I sent my name in to volunteer in the southern states a few days ago. Quite honestly I am nervous enough to hope they don't call on me, but I would definitely go if asked. Now my family says I shouldn't go at all, after recovering. I am using my vacation- the next three weeks to go down if needed. I am so nervous about going that I can't really make the decision. If I recover in the next week I should be OK to go don't you think?
rn/writer, RN
9 Articles; 4,168 Posts
Just an update, I was trying to sleep before work this afternoon and finally reached the end of my rope, so called in sick and told them I was coming in to be seen in the ER. I got diagnosed with pneumonia, and sent home with a script for Zithromax and Albuterol.I sent my name in to volunteer in the southern states a few days ago. Quite honestly I am nervous enough to hope they don't call on me, but I would definitely go if asked. Now my family says I shouldn't go at all, after recovering. I am using my vacation- the next three weeks to go down if needed. I am so nervous about going that I can't really make the decision. If I recover in the next week I should be OK to go don't you think?
I truly applaud your concern for our ravaged southern siblings, but maybe you should sit this one out. Your body, not to mention your spirit, needs some TLC. Coming down with pneumonia so soon after a car accident may mean your immune system got its bell rung.
The online volunteer applications I've seen stress that the folks who are coming down need to be in top physical condition. They're going to be working long hours under far less than optimum conditions. If they don't start out really healthy, they could end up adding to the patient care load instead of helping to carry it, and nobody wants that.
I'd love to go down myself but even if I had the vacation time, I'm diabetic and had a recent heart problem. I don't want to end up a liability.
If you feel up to working long hours, put in some overtime up here and send the extra money down. At least you'll be in familiar territory and you can get off the merry-go-round if it proves to be too much.
That's my two cents worth. I hope you feel better soon.
Take good care of yourself,
That really kind of stinks, but what you are saying makes sense. I didn't want to cop out on them just because I'm scared.
I also found out that my hct is 31, althought the day before the accident I gave blood and it had to be normal then. Certainly explains why I've been feeling like such a lump of crud lately.
That really kind of stinks, but what you are saying makes sense. I didn't want to cop out on them just because I'm scared.I also found out that my hct is 31, althought the day before the accident I gave blood and it had to be normal then. Certainly explains why I've been feeling like such a lump of crud lately.
Yikes! That's all the more reason to stay home and take really good care of yourself. You aren't copping out. You're making a responsible decision. (Even though your inner child might need to pout for awhile.)
You know, this situation isn't going to go away for a long time. Nurses are being given temporary permits for 120 days and there are estimates that it could be six months or more before all the dust settles. Maybe you stay home now and go down in a couple of months when the first wave is crawling home. It's even possible that some posters who are volunteering will be able to give you pointers on where to stay and other good advice.
What does your doc say about the low hct?
Take care,
I'll see my regular doc on Wednesday. I even had a CBC drawn a month ago through her office which they told me was normal. So logic would say there was a bleed somewhere, although I be darned if I know where.
Thanks for the support. I am pouting over being sick although it loses it's charm when there is no one here to listen.
It's always best to have an audience for weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
Is it possible that your hct is still on the rebound from donating? I don't know how long it takes to replenish what was taken but you have to wait eight weeks until you donate again.
Could you have a slow leak somewhere?
gwenith, BSN, RN
3,755 Posts
Canoehead - you hereby have my full permission to stay at home, look after yourself and be guilt free about volunteering and not going. Old chum - you are unwell - you need to fix your problems and NOT make things worse by trying to do too much.
I personally would suspect that you have had a bleed somewhere and you do need follow up and before Wednesday. Look after yourself - eh!
Just 'cos you're a nurse (and a woman) does not mean you are superhuman:p