PTO - how much do you get at your hospital?


Specializes in Neuro/Med-Surg.

I have always worked PRN - now I just got a new full-time job and suddenly have PTO. For the first year I start with 128.18 PTO hours annually - is that a "normal" amount? How much do you get at your job? Just curious. I work in Florida. :nurse:

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

I get 7 hours of PTO and 2 hours of extended sick for every 2 weeks worked. So in a year that's 182 hours of PTO and 52 hours of extended sick. If I call of for two shifts, it comes out of my PTO, and then if it's any longer (and this requires a doctor's note) the rest of the shifts come out of extended sick.

I live in California though and we have a strong union. Based on what I've heard about Florida that is probably average and your sick time may be separate from that? The one thing that stinks is if we call off or take a vacation day, they use our PTO whether we want them to or not.

Congrats on getting a full time job!


Are you and LPN or RN?

I am an RN in Baltimore, we get 176 hours annually and it is prorated for those working less than 36 hours a week. Holidays are separate and paid at 8 hours for each of 7 holidays.

Thats sounds really low. I average 208 per year based no 8 hrs per 2 weeks.

Specializes in psych. rehab nursing, float pool.

I only work 72 hours per pay period, I get 7.8 hours bi weekly, what you are receiving is the norm for a new hire. Are you working 12 or 8 hour shifts? Most places start out with what equals 2 weeks off for about the first 3-5 years depending on the institution and the contract.

We get 6 hours every 2 weeks and it increases with time. We also have a cap on how many hours of PTO we can have, but we are also able to cash it out at 40 hours at a time twice a year if we aren't using them (but they tax the heck out of it). The six hours is what you start with, though. The max you can accrue for the first 5 years is 265 hours.

We also get sick time, but it accrues at what seems like a snails pace compared to the PTO. For example, I have 230+ ETO hours. At in Feb I used two weeks and was down to 200 hours. I have another two weeks scheduled in about a month and will have darned close to 200 hours AFTER that PTO is taken. With my sick time, however, I had 85hrs as of the end of last year, and am still sub-100hrs in that bank. I also haven't used ANY sick time in that time period.

Finally when we call off, the first day comes out of PTO, and the second out of sick time. This is the only time you are able to call off for sick time. I guess when you leave the company you lose your sick time, but are able to cash out your entire PTO amount ... or maybe they halve it and give you that amount. In any case, though, I wouldn't worry about PTO. If you go to work regularly, you probably won't have an issue.

Specializes in Neuro/Med-Surg.

I am an RN. thanks for the responses. The PTO hours do go up after a year, then after 2 years, 4 years, etc, for a max of 270 after 8 years (which sounds AWESOME LOL)

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Right now I get 7.4 hours per every two weeks, but it increases at 5 years. Not sure about short term disability time, but we can max out on that. We have the option to cash in up to 80 hours PTO once per year. Must be nice to start with something- we start with nothing! Must use 5 days PTO before usiing disability time.

Thats sounds really low. I average 208 per year based no 8 hrs per 2 weeks.

Not really. If you do not call off sick that is 14 twelve hour days. I am making out the same as when I was getting split vac/sick. Then it was 9 vac days and 5 sick days so 14 days total. This is actually MORE time if I don't call off for silly things. Since I am 24 hours a week, I rarely USE my PTO, can work Sun/Mon first week and Fri/Sat next week, and have 10 days off.

Specializes in Critical Care, Cardiac Cath Lab.

I get 205 hours per year. After five years of employment it goes up by a few hours (I think it goes up to 220-something). Last I heard, my hospital provided the most PLH (paid leave hours) in my metropolitan area.

I get 9.12 hours of PTO every 2 weeks. Not sure what that works out to be annually.

6.46 every 2 weeks.

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