I work in the ER and a few nights ago, a fellow nurse and friend began to have repeated seizures while at work. She had a seizure history. They admitted her to critical care for status epilepticus. When I went home that night something was bothering me and I couldn't put my finger on it. Well, I found out yesterday that during the EEG, she had another " seizure" . The neurologist took her parents aside and told them..." She's not having seizures. She's faking it. She doesn't need a neurologist...she needs a pyschiatrist," They downgraded her to a regular floor and transferred her out. Now I know what was bothering me but I guess I didn't want to admit it to myself. Now I question everything she has ever said or done. Why would an ER nurse, of all people fake seizures WHERE SHE WORKS, especially during an EEG. She let me put a foley in her for pete's sake. Could this be an involuntary stress reaction or is she pulling the wool over our eyes? Come to think of it, she also said she had a chest tube a few months back but when we undressed her, there was no scar. I feel so disgusted with her. Like I have been deceived. :o Has anyone else had any experience with this?