Published May 4, 2010
7 Posts
So im doing a project tomorrow on PROM...i understand it just need some more explinations...i also have to do a trying to use a ballon to show what happens...questions should i let the ballon do a slow leak or just let it burst...thanks
Elvish, BSN, DNP, RN, NP
4 Articles; 5,259 Posts
What I'd do instead is get a water bottle and turn it upside down. Unscrew the lid a little, let a little water leak out, then tighten it back a little. Unscrew the lid a lot - almost completely off - so a bunch leaks out, and then tighten it back. That's pretty realistic for how PPROM goes. Sometimes it's a big gush, sometimes it's a slow leak. We have PPROMers on our unit for weeks sometimes.
(Clarification: there's nothing wrong with your balloon analogy. Didn't mean to imply that. It just might not be logistically as easy to pull off. 'Tis all.)
Good luck w/ your presentation!
Thank you:lol2:
1,237 Posts
okay what is prom? first I thought it was prom, like the dance, then I thought it was PROM like passive range of motion. now I have no clue
lpnstudentin2010, LPN
1,318 Posts
i was thinking the dance also lol.
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
Me too! It is the season!
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
Premature rupture of membranes
brillohead, ADN, RN
1,781 Posts
aka "breaking your water"
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
I knew what prom stood for but i think the heart icon threw others off a bit