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All Content by FutureNA

  1. SAHM to nursing school

    Is there any other moms who went from stay at home mom to nursing school? I ask because we have two children, 9 yo son and 6 yo girl. I've always been the one to take care of everything while my husband worked hard to make sure I could be a SAHM. I ...
  2. GCU Fall 2017

    Is there anyone else applying for GCU Fall 2017? I thought we could start a thread for all of us as we count down the days for deadline and the dreaded wait.
  3. GCU Fall 2017

    I don't know if anyone else is still checking in here but was wondering if anyone knows if the classes will open up for us on loudcloud this coming week. I just want to be sure there's no required reading or anything before our first day.
  4. GCU Fall 2017

    Has anyone heard any rumors about when orientation will be?
  5. GCU Fall 2017

    I'm also fast track, so far I haven't seen anyone traditional at Boswell. I'm curious about class size as well.
  6. GCU Fall 2017

    I'm in Boswell also! Congrats on getting in! Are you in fast track or traditional? Also, does anyone know the number of applicants and the number that was accepted?
  7. GCU Fall 2017

    Has anyone else starting getting all of their medical stuff ready? It seems so surreal to be doing this stuff.
  8. GCU Fall 2017

    Amanda, I sent you a message on here.
  9. GCU Fall 2017

    Hopefully you'll hear something tomorrow! Crossing my fingers for you.
  10. GCU Fall 2017

    If I could post pictures here I would but the area is very nice. The GCU building is right next to the hospital and sits on a little lake. There's even water views from some of the classrooms. The parking, at least today, seemed very manageable and e...
  11. GCU Fall 2017

    Do you want to get in touch outside of here? I even have some pictures of it. :-) I would totally be open to carpooling!
  12. GCU Fall 2017

    Where do you live?
  13. GCU Fall 2017

    Does anyone know how many were accepted or how big the classes are?
  14. GCU Fall 2017

    I'm a little envious of you being close to home, I live in Chandler so I'll be driving an hour. :-/
  15. GCU Fall 2017

    I drove out there today, I couldn't wait to see it! Are you in fast track or traditional? I can't wait to find out the specifics of our program!
  16. GCU Fall 2017

    Did anyone else get accepted in Boswell?
  17. GCU Fall 2017

    I really don't understand why some find out and some don't for a while.
  18. GCU Fall 2017

    Which tier were you? I was rejected for Spring and Summer because of being second tier so I took more classes to bump up to first.
  19. GCU Fall 2017

    I just got my acceptance email! Boswell FT...I was hoping for main campus but I'm just super happy I got in! I'm so sorry to those who have gotten the rejection email! I've been on that side too...just keep trying.
  20. GCU Fall 2017

    I don't think anyone that is posting in this group has heard anything. Yet we are all going crazy with the wait. I'm a massage therapist and couldn't stop thinking about if I got an email during my massages. I felt so distracted all day.
  21. GCU Fall 2017

    Oh wow! What tier were they in?
  22. GCU Fall 2017

    Like you could even focus then! ;-) I haven't heard anything yet.
  23. GCU Fall 2017

    It's so nice having this group to talk to others going just as crazy as I am right now. Lol
  24. GCU Fall 2017

    Yes, it's killing me too! If there's already been rejection letters sent out I hope that means we will have good news in a few hours!
  25. GCU Fall 2017

    I woke up super early too and had dreams when I did sleep about it. I need to know for my own well being. Lol