nursekoll BSN, RN

12 years as a school nurse

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About nursekoll

nursekoll has 21 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in 12 years as a school nurse.

Preschool through 12th grade

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  1. nursekoll

    C'Mon Now!

    Hope it's just the bulb- that was my otoscope's problem last year! Maybe the rechargeable battery won't hold a charge anymore? If those are not the issue, could you reach out to any local clinics or...
  2. nursekoll

    Frequent Fliers

    Yes, trust your gut! At my high school level, vomit needs to be witnessed/seen in order to be sent home for it. They also will figure it out really quick if coming back in multiple times gets them a...
  3. nursekoll

    dealing with crisis

    Any advice for school dealing with the death of a teacher? K-12 teacher and coach, the medical emergency happened at school in front of several classes of elementary students. I was the one responding...
  4. nursekoll

    Excused or Unexcused absence

    And this is what makes the school nurse job so difficult! I'm guessing you aren't a school nurse or haven't/won't be one very long. This case it's an administration/school policy issue, please don't...
  5. nursekoll


    Oral ivermectin is not FDA approved for treatment of head lice according to the CDC. Even if prescribed, the child would likely need 2-3 tablets per dose for an appropriate dose depending on weight....
  6. nursekoll


    "Treating appropriately" may mean different things to different people. I've heard all sorts of crazy "treatments" that parents use that are truly not appropriate (mayonaise, salt water, olive oil,...
  7. nursekoll

    Strep testing???

    Yes, but I feel a lot of things we assess for may end up with a need to see a doctor after our assessment. I assess students with ear pain and refer to the doctor if the eardrum is red, so they can...
  8. nursekoll

    Any tips for constant coughing?

    At home, Delsym is my go-to cough suppressant. It works so much better than any robitussin or dimetapp or mucinex. I suggest it to parents. It knocks out the cough reflex. At school unless the parent...
  9. nursekoll

    Strep testing???

    I'm wondering if any School Nurses are doing Strep testing in schools? I see there are now both home- strep tests available OTC and CLIA-Waived Strep tests available from school nurse supply stores....
  10. nursekoll

    Should Have Called 911

    @JenTheSchoolRN Yes, found under the swings. I assume the student either had a seizure and then fell off, or fell off and then started having a seizure. Either way, the call was appropriate and I did...
  11. nursekoll

    Should Have Called 911

    I'm also a 10- year school nurse. I HAVE had a parent angry about a 911 call on their child with epilepsy. They were very angry that their child went to the hospital by ambulance after a seizure. I...
  12. nursekoll

    Things I should not have to say...

    MULTIPLE times this week: "Your toothbrush should not be in a ziploc bag with other students' toothbrushes. THROW THEM AWAY!"
  13. nursekoll

    New school nurse

    Are you sharing an office space daily with the other RN? If so, I'd be bouncing every question off of her until you get your bearings. Honestly, I spent a good part of my first year just figuring it...
  14. nursekoll

    Repeated threat relayed by elementary student??

    Thanks for your input! I have involved school counselor and school psych in this as well. Hopefully we can all work together to find the root of this
  15. How serious would you take a threat reported by an elementary student that is a frequent flyer? This kid has now told me twice on two different occasions that the parent has threatened to "beat him up...