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About outdoneflorida

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  1. Physician's office Nurse

    I heard the going rate for working in a physician's office is $13hr. Any thoughts on
  2. Best NCLEX RN prep review

    OK, so did you
  3. Best NCLEX RN prep review

    aloha! any suggestions on the best rn prep course to take. i've heard of hurst, kaplan,and nursing
  4. Failed Nclex Twice Need Help!!!!

    I feel you, I has failed my LPN boards 2 times also an ha one more chance. I brought the Saunders Comprehensive book for PN. I studied at least 2-4 hrs daily and maintained that routine. I finished...
  5. I don't believe it!!!!!

    It it true that someone can fail florida nclex rn 3 times, not take the remedial courses they require, take boards and pass for another state and get endorsement from florida's board without doing...
  6. 3 time failed!

    Hello, I am new and outdone to the fact I failed NCLEX RN 3 times. Unsure if I should try to get another license inanother state then switch over to florida or just swallow my pride and do the 80hrs...