Published Oct 16, 2005
6 Posts
It it true that someone can fail florida nclex rn 3 times, not take the remedial courses they require, take boards and pass for another state and get endorsement from florida's board without doing what they required?:stone
817 Posts
The doesn't even make sense. The NCLEX is the same in all states.
55 Posts
I think it's the same way in can take the NCLEX as often as you want without taking the remedial courses...The NCLEX is the same test everywhere but the remedial courses (if required) is a requirement of each individual state's nursing board not NCLEX.....After you pass the NCLEX you can file for an RN license in any state....after all you'll be an RN at that point...
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,743 Posts
Yes. I know a two people that went to Georiga after failing Florida's and passed Georgia's. As people say NCLEX is the same, so it was just a mind game they were playing.