walkingrock ADN

Retired NICU

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All Content by walkingrock

  1. walkingrock

    Breast Milk Verification

    OMG! This is a first for me...RT's to verify EBM, we use 2 RN's.
  2. walkingrock

    How often do you change clear fluids? Pressors in particular!

    Pressors via syringe pump: syringe med changed every 24 hours; tubing (dedicated) changed every 72 hrs.
  3. walkingrock

    Can you have an associates degree and work in the Nicu?

    Lots of our nurses are ADN's, some have BS not BSN's; we do have BSN's and some with master's; but not required.
  4. walkingrock

    Infection control overkill?

    I would love to hear more on this...I agree with "prmenrs"approach. Don't want to have your infection control people getting defensive before you can even get started in your quest. There must be something they are basing this change on....
  5. walkingrock

    Dear PICU Nurses...

    It's vey unfortunate that you were the recipient of that thoughtless remark. I don't think that is representative of PICU nurses. I've floated to PICU's for years, and have found the nurses to be generally very helpful and appreciative. PICU has gott...
  6. walkingrock

    As a nurse, how do you tell your PCP you want anti-anxiety meds?

    Update! MIssed, that you graduated in May....Got it now!
  7. walkingrock

    As a nurse, how do you tell your PCP you want anti-anxiety meds?

    I'm sad and not surprised to read your post. Yes, you should have received more orientation for your position. However, you need your job. Hopefully, in time, with more experience behind you, you can move into a position that is a better fit for you....
  8. walkingrock

    What's the weirdest baby name?

    i've seen twins named lemonjello and orangejello also...
  9. walkingrock

    neonatal IV sticks

    i wish we still had silk tape, it is my favorite also, works beautifully. we are stuck with the plastic tape, and it doesn't even tear well, it doesn't mold and stick like the silk does. i also like to do the chevron taping and then use a piece of ta...
  10. walkingrock

    Need help from everyone re: communication devices.

    Spectralink That's what we are still using.....
  11. walkingrock

    My heart belongs to the Neonates and I need your help!

    Anything you can do in the maternal chaild area could help you get your foot in the door. If there is a nursery position anywhere that would be ideal; although in my experience, there are pretty much unobtainable anymore, as most everone has gone to ...
  12. walkingrock

    Tote bag?

    LL Bean has some nice totes, I like them better than Land's End. REI has some great bags and totes...excellant quality. Also, I see people using craft totes, rolling backpacks, etc. Really depends on your needs and personality!
  13. walkingrock

    Mid Life Change in Career

    i've been in nicu for most of my 29 yrs as an rn. it is my niche. it can be yours, too. but just bear in mind...every job has the bad with the good. making this change doesn't necessarily guarantee that you will "love your work". there have been many...
  14. walkingrock

    Hep B Vaccine or not?

    my original series of vaccinations was just after they came out...trying to remember when that was, i'm thinking 1984?? i had a blood check some years ago, and did not have immunity, so had the series repeated. the original vaccine was a bit differe...
  15. walkingrock

    Parents that make you go MMMMrgh!

    i'm sure we all get these types of problems. one of the hardest for me to handle well is when it is the baby's family that is causing a problem for their baby...then my instinct to, protect the baby and be his/her advocate, rears up, and i have troub...
  16. walkingrock

    Anyone heard of VADER(sp?)'s Syndrome?

    i've seen a number of vater's over the years. i see it has already been discussed what it is, etc. fascinating the topic of ivf and anomalies....
  17. walkingrock

    NP working as a staff nurse in NICU

    I worked in a level II unit with a staff RN that was an NNP. She just got tired of traveling to all the different units/hospitals in her NNP job, didn't have the option of just working in 1 unit. She was an awesome contribution to our unit...we didn'...
  18. walkingrock

    Hospital "Error" Cited in Man's Death

    now that i've read the whole thread...i had the same thought many of you did...something's wrong here, things don't add up. there's no doubt a mistake...or rather collection of mistakes were made. at first i thought the nurse shouldn't have given the...
  19. walkingrock

    Tattoos uncovered?

    i see this thread is over a year old, but i do have some info, if someone is looking for it...i went to a dermatology group for over a year, probably about 2-3 yrs ago. i investigated tattoo removal, because i have 2, and my fiance isn't really that ...
  20. walkingrock

    Stupidest reason to go to ER

  21. walkingrock

    Stupidest reason to go to ER

    i asked my friend to contribute...he's an er doc, and pretty fed up with what comes into the er.... i want a copy of your paper, i'll send it on to my friend.... my most recent one, was a guy in his 20's who presented with the complaint that he wante...
  22. walkingrock

    shift question

    i would expect to start on night shift. depends on the unit how fast the turnover is...slow turnover makes for a stable, probably excellant environment, but a long time to get to day shift, especially with 12-hr shifts. fast turnover might get you to...
  23. walkingrock

    My 1st NICU interview!!!!

    is this the 1st hospital that you interviewed at, that you wanted to work at???
  24. walkingrock

    Received this email today and I am steamed!!!

    my personal reaction is that it is hilarious. but people don't react the same way to things. if it's not funny to you, delete it and don't pass it on. i wouldn't lose sleep over it or feel the person who sent it meant anything negative towards you wi...
  25. walkingrock

    Pregnant: What do I really care about it the hospital?

    avoid: chemo, radiation, chicken pox/shingles, if you aren't rubella immune be very careful about exposure to measles, herpes, tb. i know there's a couple more i can't think of right now... i would be extra careful about using universal precautions ...