walkingrock ADN

Retired NICU

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All Content by walkingrock

  1. walkingrock

    Securing ET Tube

    Agree with the above 2 posters.
  2. walkingrock

    Sad story for all nurses

    really got to me, could happen easily to any of us, I'm guessing she was a PICU RN.
  3. I started in NICU as a new grad, but that was 32 years ago and times have changed. Just keep looking at the big picture and keep moving toward your goals and you will get there. Congratulations on your job in LTC! It is not that easy to even get a jo...
  4. walkingrock

    Options for RN jobs and motherhood?

    Right now, it is easier to get a part-time job than a full-time job, in my unit. I think it has to do with retirement benefits...experience is not a factor in getting a part-time job any more than getting a full-time job--seniority is though! Most h...
  5. walkingrock

    anyone familiar with the zaky?

    I've seen a few Zaky's brought in by parents, they are nice. Never heard of the Z flo positioners...just looked it up, very cool! We use cloth, quilted buntings and sandbags...but those Z flo's look much better!
  6. walkingrock

    Sleeping on the job.

    My experience is that the person is immediately terminated.
  7. walkingrock

    Telling The Truth: A Nurse Who Stutters

    Carry on...we all have issues, they are just not the same ones!
  8. walkingrock

    Grandmas doing kangaroo care?

    HIPPA is a main issue with allowing other family members to visit without the parents being present.
  9. walkingrock

    Any 22 weekers out there?

    Thanks all for the books, etc. We don't technically resuscitate until 23 wks; however, it is a problem when it is 21-24 or something...unknown, then we do respond and do what is appropriate, the parents are involved with info and discussions with NIC...
  10. walkingrock

    arterial stab policy on your units?

    What is SWU?
  11. walkingrock

    arterial stab policy on your units?

    Art sticks or venous sticks (more likely will be a art stick) when we do blood cultures or have a lot of blood to draw, otherwise heelsticks. We only do radial art sticks (RN's); RT's don't do them on our babies, they only do art sticks on adults.
  12. walkingrock

    Bedside PPV Bag & Masks

    :thankya: We have 'em set up, checked, functioning for each pt... The only change of practice I see, is they don't want admit beds set up in advance...open and set up when the baby is on the way, same with L & D...they don't want the warmers set ...
  13. walkingrock

    open visitation/ 24/7

    NICUGal's situation sounds similar to ours. We went to parents visiting 24/7 relatively recently, in the last year I think. We have been instructed to also point out some things in the computer. Somehow, it doesn't seem to be violating HIPPA to those...
  14. walkingrock

    Learn To Say It Correctly!!

    LOL! Oh No...it's checking the O2 "stat" in the ear "cartridge"....
  15. walkingrock

    What to use on the nares to prevent breakdown of skin

    We use NeoBars.
  16. walkingrock

    What to use on the nares to prevent breakdown of skin

    We use the cannulaide also. It goes on the nose and upper lip to protect it and there are holes at the nare openings that hold the prongs in place.
  17. walkingrock

    any advice? (for a soon-to-be intern)

    Listen....and observe....don't be afraid to ask questions.
  18. walkingrock

    HELP! Ostomy bag will NOT stay on!

    I can see using the benzoin in older kids; but little one's skin is so absorbant. I thought Benzoin was removed from NICU's because it is unhealthy for them...anybody else? We used to use it on a lot of stuff years ago, and yes, it does hold well.
  19. walkingrock

    Liquid Glycerin Administration in Neonates

    Are you talking about a glycerin suppository that has been put in a tb syringe or do you actually have a liquid preparation? I've seen suppositories put in tb syringes and administered like that; although it isn't comman. Most places I've worked have...
  20. walkingrock

    Patient's Families as Facebook Friends....

    I don't think we have a "social networking" policy; but I can certainly see it coming in the future. I am curious to know what is generally included in the policies of those who do have them. I haven't "friended" or asked to be "friended", fortunatel...
  21. walkingrock

    Mother/Baby VENT!!!

    It is a sad situation. You are not alone in your scenario. Patient care is being compromised by the time it takes to document, act as though the patients and their visitors are "customers" and they are of course king, meet the pressure to be efficien...
  22. walkingrock

    Things you'd LOVE to tell coworkers...and get away with it!

    To the person who wants a tediously detailed report.... Do you know how to read????
  23. walkingrock

    Is NICU for the soft-hearted sensitive types?

    I started out in NICU as a new grad over 31 yrs ago. It wasn't my 1st choice, at the time, but it ended up being my niche! I've done other things for short periods of time, and have always gone back to NICU. Yes, it's hard; nursing is hard! You can d...
  24. walkingrock

    What does your username mean?

    for years i had 2 very large tortoises wandering around in my back yard. they blended in, and looked like big rocks...that walked! so, i have been "walkingrock" since then.
  25. walkingrock

    Infection control overkill?

    Our policy is gloves when touching baby; I think it is not very developmental-friendly for the babies. Of course, handwashing after gloves removed and before touching anything being used on the baby. We do not use gloves when touching our computers (...