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About lsthomas7

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  1. okay, would it make sense to complete the entire degree at a community college, including clinicals vs. Transferring out after prerequisites? When going into a BSN program, will they break the ADN...
  2. Thank you:) I have another question. There is a community college close by that offers ADN and ability to sit for NCLEX (that is, presuming I get into the nursing clinicals after their "pre-med...
  3. That makes sense. Thank you
  4. Hi! can someone help me figure out which path to take? I am 22 years old and I am just now considering nursing school. I do not have anyone providing for me which should be taken into consideration...
  5. Hi! can someone help me figure out which path to take? I am 22 years old and I am just now considering nursing school. I do not have anyone providing for me which should be taken into consideration...
  6. Hi dabmtcuRN is there a way you can message me on here. I would really love to ask you some questions. I found a conversation you were having with another girl about the nursing program in Lancaster,...