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About Turd.Ferguson

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  1. Nursing, God's Work

    We all know where it will go if anything about God is mentioned. But then again, I tend to have asinine
  2. A culture question

    As others have said, it's not a culture thing; it's a legal
  3. Substance abusers disillusion me...

    You assume something I neither implied nor said. Every day I work I have pedophile patients. Every day. Dozens of them. I treat them like I treat any other person. The point I was making was that...
  4. will universal healthcare ( in the usa) cut RN pay?

    The original question, will universal healthcare ( in the USA) cut RN pay? In the long term, I doubt it. Supply and demand controls much of our economy and salaries. In the short term, if universal...
  5. Substance abusers disillusion me...

    I see your point. Do you also give the same break to pedophiles? Pedophilia is described as an illness by the American Psychiatric
  6. Male Nurse and Sexual Comments

    I have a nurse coworker, who is male, that enjoys making sexual comments about the female nurses. I have told him multiple times that his comments are inappropriate. My best friend at work, a...
  7. Nurses and the 2008 election

    You are right about staying on topic. My
  8. Nurses and the 2008 election

    Misogyny, my rear end. Study after study have shown that the attractive people are more successful in life. It may not be fair, but it's life. Stanley is absolutely correct. Barack Obama is a...
  9. Nurses and the 2008 election

    On a lighter note, you are correct. There are significant differences between the
  10. I had the same procedure in 2003. I was up and walking and pain-free that same night. I was in college preparing for Nursing school and went back to class two days later. I've never looked back and...
  11. Wife with BSN with NO drive, what to do??

    I feel for you, Tony. It sure seems like a waste of a
  12. will universal healthcare ( in the usa) cut RN pay?

    Sorry, but I couldn't help but see the irony in these statements. "Everyone out for themselves." Therefore, give me the money that YOU have made so I can take care of ME. There may be an argument to...
  13. And, it's either your way or risk being called profiting or in
  14. This rule does not silence those who have no problem with certain practices. It protects those who do have a problem with certain practices. Quite a
  15. Employee Incentives
