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  1. Question for Houstonians

    Thank you NurseTiffer! And funny you said that because I thought about going for ADN first and then progressing from there. Thank you for your
  2. Question for Houstonians

    Fellow Houston Texas ladies....I have a question. Is it uncommon for new RN grads with an associates, to find work? I have heard two sides of the coin so far. I've heard it isn't a problem, I've...
  3. BSN rant/inquire

    I have taken sociology and psychology and I agree those are important to take because they both have to do with the mind and the body. I just didn't see why government and history classes were...
  4. BSN rant/inquire

    Are there BSN programs out there that don't require you to take two history and two government classes!? I think my jaw dropped when I saw a BSN course requirement list for a particular school. I was...
  5. does anyone else feel this way?

    I agree with nu rn above! I feel the same exact way you do. I actually find myself talking myself out of it. But I know it's where I want to go. So you aren't alone! It's the
  6. A&P Studying

    Has anyone used a fake skeleton or any model like that to help you study? I've heard of some students using their kids or spouse with washable markers to mark on and make notes but has anyone used...
  7. Four years to earn an ADN :/

    Girl....I am 35, and I am still a year and a half away from applying to the program, but it will also take me four years to finish. Don't let the time issue get to you... it will pass
  8. School load w/workload

    I have a question for nursing students that are already in the program. Are you carrying a full time course load (4 classes or more at a time)? Are you going part-time? Are you working while doing...