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About PaxMaster

PaxMaster has 1 years experience and specializes in ICU.

born in New York

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  1. Finals Charity!!!!

    Yeah do you have any nac i notes ,and whats your secret to passing this
  2. Finals Charity!!!!

    Any idea when there gonna let us know about the new teachers for Nac I please respond
  3. Slu??

    If you dont get in or you do dont worry you'll get in
  4. Don't hesitate to ask any questions or concerns you may have
  5. Finals Charity!!!!

    Yes I did pass, congratulations ,I'm in evening division my first semester,yes 1 down and three to go we are off to a great start. Im curious how many didn't pass in your division ,i assume your day...
  6. Finals Charity!!!!

    Im so beat, one down one to go,Ill never forget this experience good luck
  7. ONE MORE MONTH Jan o7/Charity

    ive got a clinical that starts at 3:30pm what time do you usually have to be there to be on time because i have a job that will cut it close,are they really sticklers for
  8. ONE MORE MONTH Jan o7/Charity

    Thanks for info , You know i dont know anyone either but it should be OK since Katrina .im not going i wonder if i should go to student to student i believe its maybe the student government or...
  9. ONE MORE MONTH Jan o7/Charity

    yes I believe they are on Monday ,im taking evening classes got to work ,Orientation is? Wednesday or
  10. CNA Registry Charity Nursing jan 07

    depends on what hospital is looking for i applied and told them no experience but they only wanted to pay me 7/hr
  11. ONE MORE MONTH Jan o7/Charity

    has anybody finished the reading assighnments yetim still workink on mine going to library today, no kids so i got plenty of time to
  12. Found out yesterday from admin that you are cna certified after passing basic nursing /yes!!! Another good
  13. Charity Registration

    i went tuesday and got ************ for clinicals, ************ said its one of the best clinics. It was only thing left also because nobody wants to pay
  14. Fundamental Success Book/Basic

    thaks very much ill probably finish the rest in november its a real
  15. anybody find this book helpful at all/ I beleive its helpful with my critcal