
Birdwatcher1 RN

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About Birdwatcher1

another older 'new' nurse

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  1. Shift work and pets.

    Have routine bloodwork including thyroid done. Just like in people, many behavioral problems or changes are related to health issues. A good 'rule-out' to be sure your work schedule changes are the...
  2. Did you feel ready to practice upon graduation?

    Thanks TraumaRUs and bsnanat2 for your thoughts and support! Much appreciated! :-) I was in a sizeable practice, but I was their first NP and had no opportunity to work with, or shadow PAs in the...
  3. Did you feel ready to practice upon graduation?

    I have only 6 yrs of RN experience (non-traditional student in 2nd career). Graduated with honors & passed Boards for FNP in Dec, was really excited & felt ready to start learning &...
  4. Nurses Week

    Our employer (outpatient offices/clinic) didn't do anything for Nurses Week; we heard that nurses were included with Administrative Staff Day (Secretary's day) a few weeks ago even though no one told...
  5. Online statistics course?

    Hi All, Have the BSN & am ready to apply to a particular online MSN program, and like everyone else they require a stats course. I've asked, they're not picky about it, just that it's an...
  6. Help! Silver Nitrate stain from cauterization!

    As a show dog breeder I use silver nitrate sticks to cauterize puppy dewclaws after removal (the use of silver nitrate is common practice in veterinary medicine--and the ENT on our med/surg unit uses...
  7. Pet peeves!

    Not close to the 'biggest' pet peeve category but still annoying: Nurses in the breakroom before start of shift, eating their breakfast, who totally ignore a 'good morning' greeting directed to them....
  8. Feeling Guilty (calling in sick)

    It doesn't matter to me why anyone calls in. IMHO that's one of the big problems with nursing, everyone is in everyone else's business (management excluded, I've been there and you have to deal with...
  9. Critical care unit for a new graduate?

    Is there a way to find out if any other new nurses work there? Support within the recent grad population can be very helpful on a stressful unit, especially after a difficult event. If you are the...
  10. What is your favorite part of oncology nursing?

    The patient population makes oncology rewarding for me. They truly know how important and fragile life is. We get to know the families as well as the patients, and I think the familiarity helps our...
  11. Portacath KVO rate

    Thanks for the replies! The port manufacturer literature says portacath KVO rate is part of the physician's order, thus our unit has no official policy. We have one physician who, when told this,...
  12. Portacath KVO rate

    What does your unit consider kvo for a portacath (adult)? Had trouble finding it in the literature, a fellow nurse had a pt on 20 mL/hr as per order but at that rate infuses ok but lost blood...
  13. wearing perfume to work

    Perfume or lingering cigarette smoke odor (which for some reason the smokers don't think can be detected ) makes my sinuses go crazy....also makes me wonder how how sensitive patients can stand it...
  14. Wow, my third 12 hour in a row...

    Dude, what a were awesome!!!! :) (and making me very thankful to be in my quiet little oncology unit!)
  15. Will there still be a shortage in the year 2010?

    Nurses in 2010 or 2020 might not have to worry about finding a job but unless things change they WILL have to worry about paying bills; our DON says (and I agree) the best way to end the nursing...