Portacath KVO rate

Specialties Oncology


What does your unit consider kvo for a portacath (adult)? Had trouble finding it in the literature, a fellow nurse had a pt on 20 mL/hr as per order but at that rate infuses ok but lost blood return--so we're interested in what everybody else does.

Happy Holidays,


20 ml/hr is what we have used as a TKVO rate. But it should not be left running like this indefinately. If the port is not being used on a regular basis, it would be best left locked off. Refer to you unit policy.

We use 25 only if there is a pca pump running in addition or IV abx. otherwise we would hep. lock the line.

Thanks for the replies! The port manufacturer literature says portacath KVO rate is part of the physician's order, thus our unit has no official policy. We have one physician who, when told this, said that KVO is 20, and all his patients are to be run that way. Another physician when asked said, whatever you guys want do is fine, 20 or 50. Okee dokee then! :lol2:

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