LTC, Agency, HHC

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SE_BSN_RN has 8 years experience as a BSN and specializes in LTC, Agency, HHC.

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  1. SE_BSN_RN


    Thanks! Your info helps. I do know they'll be getting chemo and I'll need to be chemo certified after a year. Other than that, I don't know much yet about the unit. I have to take some hospital...
  2. SE_BSN_RN


    Anyone work in this specialty? I will be working on a neuro/oncology floor and have no idea what to expect. Is this a normal combination of specialties? It seems a little strange to
  3. SE_BSN_RN

    if you graduated in the last 5 years

    I was an LPN for 8 years before completing an LPN-BSN program. I just kept the same job as an RN. That's not one of your options!
  4. SE_BSN_RN

    Thinking about quitting

    I am right there with ya, but I hate to tell won't get very far as a new grad BSN, either. I have had my BSN since 2013 and still can't get into a hospital....always passed over for...
  5. SE_BSN_RN

    Thinking about quitting

    Ah....good luck educating HR. They already have a job, so they don't care! I've run into this many, many times! I have gone to bypassing HR and going directly to the hiring manager. Poor HR is so...
  6. SE_BSN_RN

    Frustrated New Grad - Update

    Why were you told not to approach NM? Also keep an eye out for job
  7. SE_BSN_RN

    Frustrated New Grad FOUND A JOB!!!!!

    Not many at all, unless you have a year of direct care RN
  8. SE_BSN_RN

    Frustrated New Grad FOUND A JOB!!!!!

    These days THIS is what you need to do! I signed up for a job fair, and HR emailed me back saying I didn't have the one year they required in order to be "invited" to the job fair. I called them back...
  9. SE_BSN_RN

    Anti-vax nurses? Are you serious?

    The pre req's are not all the same. I never took inorganic chem. I did take chem 1 and 2, micro, A&P,
  10. SE_BSN_RN

    Do Nurses Earn Big Money? You Decide.

    Very well written, as always,
  11. SE_BSN_RN

    Nurse Neglect/Abuse?

    Chances are, she was a MA, not a nurse, unless you saw her title. My MD's office only has MA's and they are called "nurses" by the staff, my PCP included. I don't consider this abuse or...
  12. SE_BSN_RN


    Should they give you a degree for free? I went to UoP and did their LPN-BSN program, and I have a counselor helping me find jobs before I landed this one I am starting. Of COURSE they want your...
  13. Wooohooo!! Also, keep in mind, even though you know CONTENT you have to be able to figure out what the question is asking. It's not like the questions in school where the answers are all cut and...
  14. SE_BSN_RN

    A concerned LPN!

    Hang in there. It does get better. Try to give it at least a year. I spent 6 in LTC as an LPN and was charge on the medicare unit with 15-20 patients because the RN in house didn't want to do it. The...
  15. SE_BSN_RN

    A nurse who might have found god..

    I assure are not the first person to feel this way, believer or not.