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All Content by randa77

  1. Hi all! I need help in deciding what I can do with a nursing career. I have been employed as an LPN for four years. I want a management type career. I don't want to be an RN in the true sense of an...
  2. You know I quit coming to this website for advice, assistance, and help a while back. I have seen the way a lot of people on here attack and criticize posters for no apparent reason. I feel sorry for...
  3. Well gee you were alot of help. You only bashed me for what I didn't want. You offered nothing
  4. I am just now starting classes for a bachelor's degree in Healthcare Administration. I don't want to waste my time and money if I can not do something with the degree in the end.
  5. Yes, I am aware of this. I in no way, shape, or form said it was going to be easy. I was looking for ideas/suggestions for a pathway. If you can not provide that information please do not
  6. What type of environment do you work in with no weekends and holidays. Hospital or private
  7. I know I don't want to be a nurse manager. I don't really know what type settings are out there...that is the
  8. Is this LTC facility trying to take her license?

    Oh my! How
  9. How much do you make 2016

    Apparently, I am in the wrong job. Alabama, Specialty Clinic $13.31/hr I work in a very busy specialty clinic. I have 2-3 hours OT every week and I am TOTALLY exhausted at the end of the day. I sit...
  10. Good luck! I took the 2014 version on 11/20. I made a 70% (89% of passing NCLEX on first try). My school requires 90% pass rate for NCLEX! Myself and other classmates will take the 2011 version a...
  11. Congratulations everybody!! Good
  12. mandimarie Yes, you will get a letter in a regular Shelton
  13. Congratulations andrea0895!! Nursetoobe look for a big yellow envelope. Good
  14. No. I just reapplied after I finished
  15. Keep trying! I applied twice and was accepted on the second application. I have no idea how many points I had. I didn't know you could find that out lol. I'm not an A student at all! I make Bs on...
  16. I am in my last semester in the PN program at Shelton. Good luck!! Hope you get in!
  17. My care plan paperwork asks for a goal and expected client outcomes. I have THE hardest time coming up with a goal. I don't get it. To me, the goal and expected client outcomes are the same. Can...
  18. Goal vs. Expected Client Outcomes

    Thank you both! Esme12 that thread really
  19. Hi everyone! I have been browsing a while. :) I am a second semester PN student. I am struggling (passing, but not where I would like to be) in Med-Surg (patho, risk factors, manifestations,...
  20. Medical Surgical Resources

    Okay I found a picture. Hopefully that clarifies
  21. Medical Surgical Resources

    emtb2rn TMI?? Not sure how that is. Shayboo Hummingbirds actually. :) I wondered when I picked that username if people would think that. But hey those vehicles are pretty sharp also
  22. When you are at clinicals

    I don't understand this concept you all speak of about "following" a nurse around all day. We are assigned a patient to take care of and that is ALL we do besides pre and post conference. I would LOVE...
  23. Medical Surgical Resources

    Thank you both for your responses! I have my final for summer semester tomorrow and another med-surg course that starts Aug 20th. I am going to continue familiarizing myself with the info over our...