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About Infofreak411

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  1. Nurse practitioner vs Medicine turf war?

    Yes, the nursing model is said to be more
  2. As someone who is entering the field of nursing with the goal of ultimately becoming a nurse practicioner after gaining experience, I have noticed a lot of "turf wars" and arguing going on between...
  3. They asked in front of me
  4. Well I agree you have too much to do, in fact I do the same thing. We actually had a consulting firm come on and asked why the the techs were the ones running around doing everything while some of the...
  5. Deliberately offensive? How
  6. I work alongside nurses and am in the process of becoming a nurse myself. While I have great respect for the profession and my coworkers as well as a passion for it (hence my reason for going to...
  7. Paradoxical reaction to Benadryl?

    So in an allergic reaction, what can you take? Do all antihistamines do that to
  8. Out of curiosity, individuals that tend to have a paradoxical reaction to Benadryl where is makes them hyper instead of sedate them... is there one route of administration that tends to give that...
  9. Bar tending during nursing school?

    I was thinking of bar tending during nursing school so that way I have the flexibility of working different shifts and make good money in tips while doing so. I guess the only concern is not having...
  10. Nurses leaving the field?

    Accounting to nursing is a big change... What made you want to get into
  11. Nurse to clinical social worker?

    I wouldn't consider a BSN a lowly degree
  12. Nurse to clinical social worker?

    Any nurses you know left the field to become some form of a therapist such as a clinical social worker, psychologist or Occupational therapist? You see people from these fields enter nursing but...
  13. Nurses leaving the field?

    Right, that's what I see a lot of too. But I mean people leaving the actual field all
  14. Nurses leaving the field?

    That's great that you have the memories! What do you do
  15. Nurses leaving the field?

    Any nurses you know or even you yourself who have left the field? You often hear of nurses being unhappy with their jobs so they switch to a different specialty of nursing which suites them better...