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  1. I first began doing 8 hour shifts (rotating days and evenings). I found it difficult to be at work so much, but mind you I was a new grad and everything was a challenge for me. Eventually I switched...
  2. Returning to 8 hour shifts from 12 hours

    I'll find out. That might be a good option. As long as I don't do nights is what's
  3. Needing Alone Time

    Hi, I'm a relatively new nurse on a busy neurology unit. I work 12 hour rotating shifts (day/nights). This is all that was available at the time so I'm just trying adapt as best as I can. Thing is,...
  4. How to handle rotation shifts

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to best handle rotating shifts. I work 12 hour shifts on a busy med-surg unit, but I rotate between days and nights. I will generally be 1 week on days, 1 week...
  5. I'm wondering if other nurses exercise on their days off. I started going to the gym at least 2 x week and feel it has made a tremendous difference in my overall mood and energy levels. I think it...
  6. Nurses, do you exercise?

    Wow! I admire you a lot. You must have a ton of energy! I'm heading out to the gym and a yoga class soon. I was just thinking how I want to get more yoga in as well.
  7. Needing Alone Time

    Nice to know I'm not alone needing time to be
  8. Needing Alone Time

    Yeah I lean towards introversion. Oh well I guess this is just where I'm at in life right now. Maybe I will find another type of line of work at some point or work part
  9. How to handle rotation shifts

    I've tried doing 2 weeks of one then the other. I find I can't handle too many nights. I feel pretty useless on my days off. I might try it in the winter when there's less sunlight
  10. Nurse's Day Off

    I'm curious as to what other RN's do on their days off between shifts.. I work 12 hour rotations and just finished my nights. For the first day or even 2, I basically spend the day vegging..watching...
  11. Nurse's Day Off

    What thread is this? Can u send me the link?.I'm sure lots of nurses do all kinds of "extracurricular" activities on their time off that's none of anyone's business.. I don't know about how moral or...
  12. Rotating Shifts: Surviving and Thriving

    Thanks so much. What a refreshing perspective, especially that its about your attitude. I work rotating days and nights. Some people tell me it will ruin my life and I say, only a bad attituse about...
  13. Nurse's Day Off

    I wish I could work only days but that's not possible at the hospital I work at now. So I accept it and manage as best I
  14. After my night shifts, I usually spend the day in bed. I sleep till about 2pm, but lounge around lazily during the day. I watch movies, read books and eat. And I make no qualms about it! At night, I...
  15. Fitness and nursing

    I go to the gym about twice a week. After a 12 hour shift, all I want to do is lay in a horizontal position. But exercise a couple of times a week really helps keep stress levels
  16. How do you...

    I take a bath, meditate and try to get some sleep. On my days off, I take the time to exercise which really takes the edge off for me. Also, I find that working through the thoughts about my work is...
  17. Anxiety

    Meditation and exercise help as
  18. Anxiety

    Your anxiety has nothing to do with nursing school per say. It has to do with your thoughts ABOUT nursing school. Any job can be stressful and people burn out even working behind a desk...Changing...
  19. Nurses, we need to become healthier

    For a while, I wondered the same thing...I'm a relatively new nurse and only recently got my RN license. The first couple of months was a HUGE adjustment period in terms of lifestyle. There was sooo...
  20. First nursing job

    I was never "terrified" per say. I was a bit nervous to start work as a nurse, but I knew I'd have preceptors and be in good hands. It was when I was done orientation that got me a bit scared, but...