traumaRUs MSN, APRN

Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU

Trauma Columnist

All Content by traumaRUs

  1. You wouldn't drive your car without insurance? You wouldn't own a house and not have insurance? Your career is worth insurance
  2. traumaRUs

    Medication Charting Errors

    Please consult with an administrative law attorney in your state that has experience with your BON.
  3. traumaRUs

    Newbie Questions About NP Career

    Nursing is a second career for me, I've been an APRN for 16+ years now - all in nephrology. Our role in a very large nephrology practice has evolved over the years. I've worked in-pt, out-pt, dialysis units and also telehealth. I'm a CNS but I'd advi...
  4. After reading all the replies, there is much confusion so the correct answer is to clarify the order with the prescriber
  5. traumaRUs

    Degree over Experience?

    Depends on the job. For a staff RN position, of course you have to be an RN. However, in my area staffing is so bad, facilities are closing, surgeries being delayed and the stress is tremendous for all staff members. Degrees are important when i...
  6. Leaders need to learn to be followers. If you are a leader, you should be able to do all the jobs. Please don't hire someone with an MBA to be the leader of nurses. I've been a nurse for >30 years now, started as a nursing assistant, LPN, AD...
  7. How long do you plan to work? How much more will you be earning as an NP versus RN? I would certainly consider the cost of the program too in order to factor in the viability of this.... If you plan to work till 70 or so, I say go for it. However, i...
  8. traumaRUs

    Injured on Job and Fired

    Great advice as usual Nurse Beth. I would go a little further and say there are many ADN to MSN programs that are online and offer career opportunities that would take you into retirement. Would you be able to do an office job? Primary care NPs are i...
  9. traumaRUs

    APRN Student needing interview answers

    I'll give it a try: Things you were not prepared for I am a nephrology APRN for 16 years and had NO nephrology experience. I was provided with a very solid orientation combining both clinical as well as didactic experiences. Solid ori...
  10. I'm in Illinois and I only look up what I need to look up - I would never look up anyone unless I had the need to know. Here is what it says: "Who can access the data contained in the PMP? Licensed prescribers and dispensers of controlled s...
  11. traumaRUs

    Truth vs. myths

    Okay, I have been sued (will not go into the details but it took >7 years to settle). While yes, your practice/hospital will support you while you are going thru court. However, IF you are found negligent or in any way liable, YOU will be reported...
  12. traumaRUs

    Job ideas with a Restricted License

    Agree dialysis in a large unit might be the way to go. The only caveat to dialysis nursing is that sometimes you do have to hand a narcotic prescription to a pt. Would that be an issue?
  13. traumaRUs

    How do you go about looking for a job?

    Hmmm...word of mouth usually. Do you belong to your state's APRN organization?
  14. traumaRUs

    Is this experience typical for a new grad NP situation?

    Listen to Juan - knows what he is talking about.
  15. traumaRUs

    Should I renew license

    So very sorry! What is your plan to obtain work? Are you going to continue to look for work? I guess that would be my input. If not planning or looking for work, maybe not renew?
  16. traumaRUs

    MedSurg to Dialysis Transition

    I'm a nephrology APRN who sees pts in several chronic units. Each company has their own personality. Personally, I'm glad I'm employed by a large nephrology practice. I don't care to be called a "team-mate" (I'm not on a sports team) or have to ackno...
  17. traumaRUs

    Happy School Nurses Day!

    Did you know that only 39% of schools in the US employ full-time school nurses? Did you know that in a recent study it was reported that "nearly half of 5- to 17-year-olds have experienced trauma in the form of at-school victimization. Exposure to tr...
  18. traumaRUs

    Radonda Vaught

    I just keep going back that she didn't have intent to hurt that pt.
  19. traumaRUs

    Finding a preceptor in Chicago Illinois

    Look to ISAPN IL Society of Advanced Practice Nurses
  20. traumaRUs

    Unemployed 68 yr old NP told she is "too old" for job

    Agree with NurseBeth - project an energetic image, smile, know the lingo of the specialty you are interviewing for and network. Thats the biggest hint I can give you.
  21. traumaRUs

    Tips to increasing efficiency as an Outpatient NP?

    I work in nephrology (so kinda related) and we use Epic. It's all about the HCC's. We have templates and some smart phrases that our practice uses in order to capture the charges. I've also added some of my own. Don't get caught copying and past...
  22. traumaRUs

    Would you rather stay as an RN or work as a NP?

    I enjoyed my 12 years as an RN but I've enjoyed my 16 years at my APRN job more
  23. I took a job that I thought was my "dream job". Inside of a week, I realized it was a nightmare and I wanted OUT!! I just told my boss that I realized this wasn't a good fit and I didn't wish to waste their time/energy. Went back to my ol...
  24. traumaRUs

    Nurse Practitioner Career Trajectory

    Awesome background! Personally I think its important for an NP to have bedside experience. However, there are many that disagree with me on that. That said if time is of the essence, ie you are older (and I don't mean OLD, I mean >50) y...
  25. traumaRUs

    Dialysis Nursing as New Grad?

    Great explanation!!