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All Content by hmowry

  1. I am on the alternate list - #5. Sooooo 5 people need to decline!
  2. Thanks! My husband thinks I'm crazy to worry. But, of course I'm terrified. SCF gives NO information on how many people they take and what their standards are. Good luck to you!
  3. Oh, and I'm totally with you on wishing I knew what this was going to involve. No one seems able to explain what nursing school really involves. Even my friend who is in her last 13 weeks. She just keeps saying "critical thinking" and "studying." ...
  4. I haven't been able to go to any of the info sessions. I work during those hours and my boss has no idea I'm hoping to quit soon to go to school. :) How disappointing that you had to turn it down last year! I'm hoping for Venice. I just wish I had...
  5. Do you know for sure you're starting in the spring? I applied and I'm waiting for the October 23 email. Do you know something I don't? I'm dying with this wait! :)
  6. SCF SPRING 2015

    I know this thread is a year old, but can anyone tell me what the application entails? It's not up until September 1st and I'm curious if I will need a letter of recommendation or to write a personal essay or anything. Thanks!
  7. Please tell me I'm not the only one who is completely overwhelmed by neural tissue. I'm doing really well in A&P, but suddenly I'm so stressed out I can't take it. We just finished muscle tissue and are starting neural tissue (and learning all ...
  8. I only held his hand

    I've been in that man's position and a nurse was my angel. She is the reason I am becoming a nurse now. You changed that man's life. Bless you.
  9. A&P - Overwhelmed by neural tissue

    I'm with you. The sheer amount of vocabulary is daunting. I just keep hoping if I focus on the big picture, the little pieces will make more sense. :)
  10. A&P - Overwhelmed by neural tissue

    Yes! There's only one nursing school in my area and it's supposed to be very competitive. I've read that if you don't have all A's in your prereqs you can't get in. Most of the people in my class seem to be thrilled if they're earning B's, but I'm...
  11. A&P - Overwhelmed by neural tissue

    Thank you! I just needed to hear I'm not crazy!
  12. A&P -- just have to share my excitement!

    Oh, the muscles. We just started on that last week. I'm not so scared of memorizing them (I did fine memorizing the bones and bone markings), but the physiology. OMG. Just looking at my book right now is giving me a headache. I'm so glad there a...
  13. SCF SPRING 2015

    @temmymano - I'm working my butt off in A&P I and I find it fascinating. It's SO hard, but so far I have an A. Is A&P II more on the physiology side? We just started muscles, and it's so much harder than what we've done so far! My undergra...
  14. (affordable) A&P Body Model?

    We just started in on the skeletal systems, with a practical next week, and will start muscles right after that. For the skull bones I was able to find an awesome little skull model (even my professor was impressed by the detail), which was SO helpf...
  15. SCF SPRING 2015

    I can't apply until next spring (for Fall of 15) but I keep searching these boards hoping for an idea of what type of GPA I have to have to get in! I'm in A&P I right now and with working full time and a family I feel like I"m going crazy trying...
  16. Getting to the gym?????????

    I'm working full time, have 2 small children and a husband who is very supportive, but can't do everything himself, and am currently taking A&P 1 and will be adding a Psych class to that next month. So how am I supposed to fit some gym time in? ...
  17. Getting to the gym?????????

    These are all good ideas. I used to run, but I've injured my back, so I'm having to back off of that (which, as any runner will tell you, is NOT easy to do!!). But I found a flashcard app that will do a "slideshow" with sound, so I think I might be...
  18. Back To School Supplies :-)

    I'm starting my A&P class next Monday and haven't been in school for (ahem) a number of years. I'm taking my Kindergartner back to school shopping this weekend and I realized I probably need a few things for myself! Anyone have any "can't live w...
  19. Back To School Supplies :-)

    Wow - thanks everyone! My daughter thinks it's way cool that we both start new schools on the same day!
  20. Rent or Buy A&P Texts?

    I've seen a million rent vs. buy threads on this website, but they all seem to be about actual nursing texts. What about the pre-reqs? Specifically A&P. I'll be starting that one in the fall and I'd love to rent, but I'm worried I'll want my b...
  21. Rent or Buy A&P Texts?

    Sounds like I got my answer! Thanks everyone!
  22. I just wanted to put out there that I have been using the MIT OLI Bio 101 course online to brush up on my biology before I start in on A&P this fall. It's free and it's been very helpful. My last biology class was about 8 years ago and it was n...
  23. If you need to brush up "pre-pre-reqs"

    I'm actually using the Carnegie Mellon one. I messed up my original post. It's at just search biology here's the link to the MIT open learning, which also looks good MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials after that ...
  24. Fall acceptance letters 2014

    congratulations! I'll be applying there next year. :)
  25. SCF Fall 2014 ADN Program

    Good luck, everyone! I'm pulling for all of you! This will be me next spring so I'm feeling nervous for you guys!!