Back To School Supplies :-)

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm starting my A&P class next Monday and haven't been in school for (ahem) a number of years. I'm taking my Kindergartner back to school shopping this weekend and I realized I probably need a few things for myself!

Anyone have any "can't live without" supplies for class? Yeah, I know I need a pen and some paper, but anything else that wound up being super helpful? Colored pencils for A&P? Digital recorder? etc?


Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.

I'll be starting school as well for my pre reqs, I was thinking some flascards, highlighters, some of your favorite pens, a recorder ( Any Android or iPhone could do lol ). I love spiral notebooks for freehand note taking and a binder with tabs so you can then organize them.

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.

Colored pencils for organizing sounds great, I'll have to get some too!

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.

Note cards and Post It notes for sure, a binder with the insertable tabs (the actual word for those left my mind) for organization, and a planner just to keep up with everything. Good luck :)

Planner, pencils, extra lead and erasers, colored pens (I use them for labeling in my planner, but they could also work for notes, diagrams, etc), spiral notebooks (I do one per class), flash cards. :)

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.
Note cards and Post It notes for sure, a binder with the insertable tabs (the actual word for those left my mind) for organization, and a planner just to keep up with everything. Good luck :)

Dividers! That's what they're called.

These are my essentials: large planner (for assignments and what/when to study) binder with dividers (one for each class-- I do 1 section for each chapter), loose leaf lined paper or spiral notebook for note taking, mechanical pencils, post its, highlighters, flash cards, USB flash drive (so you don't leave your precious assignment at home when you meant to print it..) and one of those little metal book holders that sits your textbook open and upright.

Specializes in OR.

For A&P, I used index cards & book rings (I hole punch one corner of my index cards and put them all on a book ring to keep them together), highlighters, spiral notebook & pens (for notes), index tabs to tab my textbook, Post-It notes and flags, 3-ring binder for my PowerPoints, sheet protectors (for my syllabus & calendar), dividers (I divided my PowerPoints by unit), and a digital recorder.

I've found that a small care/ first aid kit in my book bag is one of the most important "back to school" things -- bandaids, ibuprofen, ASA, moisturizer, neosporin, hair ties, one of those icy hot patches, etc.

Probably one of the most important things, given our chosen career path! :yes: Good luck and enjoy your classes.

Specializes in Maternal Child, Home Health, Med/Surg.

Flash cards, flash card holders(keeps the body systems separate more easily), sticky tabs, enough printer paper to print out coloring sheets, colored pencils, markers(I color coordinate my flash cards as well), good highlighters, easy writing pens for LOTS of notes, see through binder OR one with a pocket to put due date schedule in, pencil pouches(another one of those organizational things), different colored notebooks(I end up with one for book notes and one for class - each different colors), glue to paste pictures on flashcards, and I believe that's everything school supply wise. Oh! A planner! That saved my life lol.

I always suggest having a printer/copier/scanner at the ready. I frequently photocopied things out of the book for memorization. If your class uses models(most do), a camera will help for you if you can't stay on campus, and you can put those pictures on flash cards. I used to number the parts of the model I needed to know.

Hope this helps! ;)

For A&P, the things I used most were: a gazillion note cards, a planner, and highlighters, in addition to the usual notebook, paper, pens, etc.

Specializes in ICU.

I needed colored pencils a lot for A&P and micro. My teachers had lots of coloring assignments. I also had basic 2 pocket folders for each class, notebooks, a calculator, a backpack, and a flash drive.

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