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All Content by andrea0895

  1. Who all applying for the nursing program at Shelton State community college? I only have 147 points. I feel down about that.
  2. Group Project help!!!

    We have to do a group project in about 2 weeks. I have no clue where to start. We have to make it interesting. My topic is factors that influence healthcare; things such as cost, quality of servies and accessibility. If anyone has an idea that would ...
  3. Shelton State nursing(Tuscaloosa,Al) students

  4. Shelton State nursing(Tuscaloosa,Al) students

    I'm going to wait myself. I just found out that I'm pregnant. so I was going tho wait until my Dr. Appt. Idk how I'm get through school and be able to finish on time.
  5. Shelton State nursing(Tuscaloosa,Al) students

    Congrats! See you all on the 30th.
  6. Shelton State nursing(Tuscaloosa,Al) students

  7. Shelton State nursing(Tuscaloosa,Al) students

    They were sent out on the 15th so you should receive something today or tomorrow. My friend got her rejection letter yesterday so be on the look out and let us all know!!
  8. Shelton State PN Spring

  9. Shelton State PN Spring

    Anyone applied to the PN Program?
  10. Shelton State nursing(Tuscaloosa,Al) students

    No a package with all the information about price, when Orientation begins, and some other stuff.
  11. Shelton State PN Spring

    Yea! She said that letters were coming out after they had their meeting which was on Tuesday!
  12. Shelton State nursing(Tuscaloosa,Al) students

    Letters went out and I'M IN!!!!
  13. Shelton State PN Spring

    I'M IN!!!!!!!
  14. I just want to vent. I've applied twice to the nursing program here in my area. First time I didn't get in. I talked with a couple of people and was told that I need to increase my TEAS score. Then I talk to the lady that handles the application and ...
  15. Shelton State PN Spring

    I can't post her name on here but she is the lady we give out applications to. She said that they will have a meeting on Tuesday, OCT. 14th, and right after that the letters will be going out.
  16. Shelton State nursing(Tuscaloosa,Al) students

    Oh wow. You all have high points. I'm def not going to get in. I applied to the Fall and didn't get in. But good luck to y'all.
  17. Shelton State PN Spring

    62.3 or 62.7 something like that.
  18. Shelton State PN Spring

    Yea I was told the same thing. The day of the teas test she said she only had about 20 applicants buy that was closer to the beginning of October.
  19. Shelton State PN Spring

    I just only asked her about the letters. Do you know if a lot of people applied?
  20. Shelton State PN Spring

    120 something. I stopped by and asked her. Yea you have a HIGHER chance of getting in than I do.
  21. Shelton State PN Spring

    Good luck. Letters are coming out this week. How many points did you have?
  22. In need of tips for the TEAS exam

    I took the teas on May 21st and scored a 57. I tried my luck with applying in the nursing program and didn't get in. She said that my score wasn't high enough. The day that I took the exam I only had about 3 hours of sleep. On my way to the school th...
  23. Shelton state community college! Who applying?

    No. I had to call and find out. She told me that my teas score was low.
  24. Shelton state community college! Who applying?

    When you applied the first time did they send you a rejection letter or nothing at all?
  25. Shelton state community college! Who applying?

    I guess I'll be trying again next year! Congrats you all!