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About guest744967

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  1. Olivet Nazarene or Chamberlain MSN/FNP

    Of course we can keep in contact! You can message me your email if you like!! And preceptors I am worried about finding this. I found a facebook group that is for SNP that are finding preceptors. They...
  2. Olivet Nazarene or Chamberlain MSN/FNP

    Hey! Actually I don't start until the end of October so I have a full time job as well and work parttime elsewhere. I know I am at an overkill on it! I will let you know when I start it!!! I am more...
  3. Olivet Nazarene or Chamberlain MSN/FNP

    Hey Vastib! I ended up choosing Olivet, the non for profit did interest me and the fact I looked up real NP who graduated from there and are working today. I know Chamberlain is new in terms of their...
  4. Trust me, I have done my homework on both colleges. I have searched these forums endlessly on feedback but a lot of it is outdated. I have compared the non-for profit (olivet) and for-profit...
  5. What are your pet peeves?

    -Hits call light in a very packed ED for tooth pain and yells "I am dying right now" -"I'm having chest pain" See a box of chicken on person's lap. Take it away to start workup "What are you doing...
  6. Esme Needs Your Prayers and Well Wishes

    Sending major
  7. BEST Ebola Theories

    "Monkey meat"
  8. Nina Pham and/or Amber Vinson

    Well Nina or Amber if you made it this far in the thread..probably not due to some "ME Shows". I hope for the best and I pray for your best recovery. You ladies are idols for going in knowing the...
  9. Bladder Cocktails?

    I didnt go in alone. Pharmacist came down explained it. There was an order set. Physician explained it but no one was clear on a good way to get it in. I figure a syringe of some sort may have been...
  10. Bladder Cocktails?

    Esme12..knew you'd nail it haha thanks. .is it a good immediate intervention thought or is it more long
  11. Bladder Cocktails?

    Last week one of these had to be given in the ED. So many confused looks on even veteran nurses as we tried to figure out this stuff. We were told it is basically like a strong cleaner, pretty potent....
  12. Mocked by teacher in post conference.

    Wow it is very common to have tough teachers. I had one that I referred to as Mrs.Puff from spongebob. She told us that those who pass with C's will be incompetent nurses. Also said those who have...
  13. Goodbye...

    ....You were my ED
  14. You know you're tired when...

    Left work...walked so far to the wrong parking lot...thought my car was stolen. Panicked on the phone with the police when I realized. I parked in a different spot...Also in a half asleep dream....
  15. Low Morale

    Haha I second that level 2 trauma...morale is terrible..people are leaving to go to other states. They try to be motivating with posters and emails but we have been slammed with high census..low...