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All Content by cole04

  1. PSB TEST...HELP!!!!!!

    I am going to take my PSB test in October for the 1st time. I have applied to CCAC and didn't get accepted. I can't wait any longer to accepted into a school to finish my nursing dream. Please if anyone out there has taken this test recently can g...
  2. I got accepted to the South Campus Evening program for the Fall 2014 start! I was wondering if any nursing students out there have any helpful tips on things that should be done prior to receiving the packet from the school? I'm so nervous and my sto...
  3. CCAC Fall 2014 Applicants

    Does anyone know when we will receive our packets about all the stuff we need to do? I know it has to be done by a certain date and Im just still nervous about getting it all done.
  4. CCAC Fall 2014 Applicants

    thank you wmr5...good luck to you!!!
  5. CCAC Fall 2014 Applicants

    Thank you so much mrsralph...this has been a long time coming. I am really excited but yet really scared.
  6. CCAC Fall 2014 Applicants

    I got in!!!! South evening program here I come....cant wait to meet everyone. The wait is finally over...every single time i look at my acceptance letter i tear up:) Good luck to everyone else who is still waiting.
  7. CCAC Fall 2014 Applicants

    wmr5 I really hope that we all get in this time around. I'm really hoping to earn that seat this time around...don't think I can get another rejection letter.
  8. CCAC Fall 2014 Applicants

    Has anyone applied as of yet? If so what are your GPA if you don't mind sharing. I have everything done that needs to be before you can apply even all my science courses...I have a 3.86 GPA. I got denied when I applied for Spring 2014 so I hope tha...
  9. Nervous for my PSB PN test

    How did your test go? going to have the same problem as you. I have that same book...did it help you? Did you use other methods or books? Please anything that you did to help you.
  10. UPMC SON PSB entrance exam

    I am going to take the test at the end of October. I am so nervous...please help. I have the Mometrix study guide book. It seems to outline a little of everything. My weak points are math. Can you please tell me how the test was, was it mixed up...
  11. PSB TEST...HELP!!!!!!

    I'm taking the PSB for RN. My school requires it all and you have to score in the 75 percentile. I am going to purchase the book for RN and just study my butt off. I currently have literally every class done but the nursing classes. I hope that I...
  12. PSB TEST...HELP!!!!!!

    lillady04 - Was this the book PSB Registered Nursing Exam Secrets Study Guide by PSB Exam Secrets Test Prep Team | 9781610727969 | Paperback | Barnes & Noble Also you mentioned it wasn't so bad. When did you take the PSB Test/what school? How l...
  13. UPMC Shadyside School of Nursing

    what books did you get for the PSB test?
  14. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    wmr5- thank you for the encouraging words. I know deep down nothing will stop me from being a nurse. I have dreamed of this my whole life. I sit and think about if something was to happen and I couldn't become a nurse there is absolutely nothing t...
  15. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    [COLOR=#003366]steelersgirl86 I really don't think its going to be ok until I hear something. All I have ever wanted was to finish nursing school and start my career. I really feel like all odds are always against me in every situation I'm put in. ...
  16. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    [COLOR=#003366]rltrainerjr what were your stats...and where do you live within the city?
  17. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    Ya nothing for me anxious, worried, scared, sad, upset....I can go on and on. I want this so bad that's why it makes it really hard not knowing anything. At least if I didn't make the cut I would think I would had got a rejection letter...
  18. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    I did put a second choice. But what if you didn't put a second choice will they still give you an acceptance letter for where there is room and you have the choice to accept the seat or not.
  19. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    I applied for Allegheny day as my first choice
  20. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    Got the mail today and nothing still from CCAC...I really cant take this I'm going crazy!!!
  21. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    what was their gpa if you know...? I cant take this wait im going crazy.
  22. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    I usually get my mail around 11:30 and 1:30p.m. I am at work but I have someone checking to see if I got a letter from CCAC. But I will not know if I got accepted until after I get home at 5 p.m. I am surprised that there are not a lot o f people o...
  23. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    I'm getting nervous....did you get your mail yet?
  24. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    did you get in?
  25. CCAC Spring 2014 Applicants

    Congrats!!! Do you know anyone else who got in...what was their gpa with added points for the science classes? I'm so nervous I have not got a letter yet.