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About Kanya

I am a nursing graduate from Nepal

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  1. I am a foreign nursing graduate, on H4 visa currently in New York.I applied for California BON thinking that it will be faster, I have already sent the request for transcript forms to my schools,so,...
  2. when will I be an RN?

    Dear cursenurse Thanks for your response.I tried to find some places where,there are classes for the people whose first language is not English.There are some libraries which conduct such classes but...
  3. when will I be an RN?

    [ Dear Suzanne Thanks a lot.You are very nice.Yes,I started the process with California,I am currently living in NY,but the processing for NY is very lengthy and I preferred to do it in california.But...
  4. live scan and fingerscan

    You will not be able to utilize the livescan fingerprint service from Manila, so u have to request the board by writing(e-mail)to them and asking them to send the finger print hard card.I am not sure...
  5. I live in New York,I do not have CGFNS certificate,but all my documents are with CGFNS ,I am waiting to be eligible for the exam.I have applied to the California Board for NCLEX..but heard that they...
  6. I am a foreign nursing graduate(24),now in USA on H4 visa(dependent visa),trying to take NCLEX.But I am tired with all these processings..its too time taking.it will take almost 3-4 months before I...