when will I be an RN?


I am a foreign nursing graduate(24),now in USA on H4 visa(dependent visa),trying to take NCLEX.But I am tired with all these processings..its too time taking.it will take almost 3-4 months before I will be determined eligible for NCLEX,and after passing my NCLEX too,I will have to wait for the visa screen before I can work.I am very much bored staying at home,without having anything to do.(I used to be a nursing teacher in my country).and I am not good in spoken English,need some exposure to improve english conversation...since my visa status does not allow me to work here, I have less exposure to this english speaking community.what to do...I need to improve my speaking english..Please give me some tips on how can I do all these things..

Specializes in LTC, ER.

have you checked any of the local colleges to see if they offer an english as a second language course? i'm sure that you can find one. if your english is not very good then you should be working very hard on improving it, since that will matter when you go to take nclex.

Where did you train? You may want to try to do some volunteer work at some hospitals in your area............where are you currently living?

Becoming a nurse in this country when you trained someplace else is not always the easiest but it can be done...........Have you started the application process yet? If not, I would get started on that right away as well as submit the application for Visa Screen Certificate so they have time to get your credentials verified.

As far as practicing English, volunteeriing will help, also watching American movies without the subtitles. You can get them on a monthly basis from Blockbuster for about $20, as many as you want...........most of my students started with me without any English skills and this is what we used initially for them.............

Please let me know if I can be of any more help and welcome to our group. :)

:p [

Dear Suzanne

Thanks a lot.You are very nice.Yes,I started the process with California,I am currently living in NY,but the processing for NY is very lengthy and I preferred to do it in california.But I will have to endorse the lisence anyway,probably in NJ.Can you tell me how long will it take after my complete documents are reached to the California Board?

I am trying to do some Volunteer work, but not in Hospital, some elderly care facility,I am not sure how helpful it will be.My job will be to visit a home bound elderly,talk with them etc.etc.Than you once again.

Dear cursenurse

Thanks for your response.I tried to find some places where,there are classes for the people whose first language is not English.There are some libraries which conduct such classes but their registration is already closed and now the classes are going, in which they do not allow unregistered persons.I am trying everything, Watching movie, visiting the public places,and now I am planning to do some volunteer work.Lets see what works.

:p [

Dear Suzanne

Thanks a lot.You are very nice.Yes,I started the process with California,I am currently living in NY,but the processing for NY is very lengthy and I preferred to do it in california.But I will have to endorse the lisence anyway,probably in NJ.Can you tell me how long will it take after my complete documents are reached to the California Board?

I am trying to do some Volunteer work, but not in Hospital, some elderly care facility,I am not sure how helpful it will be.My job will be to visit a home bound elderly,talk with them etc.etc.Than you once again.

You are not understanding what I am posting. You will be unable to endorse to NJ until after you have a SSN#. Californai will not do it until then for you as they will not assign a number for you until that time. You only receive a leeter that states that you have met the requirements and they give you three years to send them the SSN#.

California does not have a shorter time for foreign grads, actually is usually longer than NY. You still need to complete the documents and paperwork for the Visa Screen Certificate, as well as get all necessary documents from your school and licensing board..........CGFNS would have done all of this for you and saved you even more time..............You will actually be held up from beginning work, when you are finally able to while waiting for the endorsement time..........NJ is not a walk-thru state. You are definitely doing things the long way..............

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