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  1. WANTED: Tidbits of info for a "new" ED nurse

    Thanks so much everyone. I have the Sheely book. I start in one week......."biting
  2. How do YOU use Sheehy's Manual?

    Thanks for posting this question. I've been trying to read the Sheely book in preparation for my transfer to the ED in a week. It has been hard to get through it. I agree that it will probably be...
  3. WANTED: Tidbits of info for a "new" ED nurse

    Thanks armygirl7 that really helps
  4. WANTED: Tidbits of info for a "new" ED nurse

    I will defintely get that book. It was recommended by a couple of other people too. I definitely need to get better at "hard" sticks. I am pretty decent with IVs in people with moderately "good"...
  5. Hi all, I've been a nurse for 2 years on a telemetry progressive care unit. Next month I'll be transferring to the ED. I could not be more excited!.....yet I am very nervous. I understand that the ED...
  6. 4580 starting Fall, first 5 weeks....

    I'm in too! This class is starting off as such a pain. I hate when there are a ton of different points to cover in just the DB
  7. WARNING! Check your DAR

    Just wanted to pass along that it I found that it is extremely important to DOUBLE check that everything on your DAR is correct. My advisor sent me an email (after a question I asked) listing the...
  8. 4560 Gerentology Fall 13

    I had the "good TA" and I loved the class and the experience. The last project is pretty big but it seems much worst on paper. I found it helpful to use the prior weeks writing it. I pray you have a...
  9. ohio university may 2013

    Hi all, Can you all please inbox me the name of this TA so I can avoid her/him??? Thanks so much! I had a really really bad TA for 4510 and I would love to avoid having a similar experience in other...
  10. Questions for the experienced..

    Thanks!! I meant the stats course not psy 1000. I think I got the number wrong
  11. Questions for the experienced..

    Sorry, I hit the wrong button and it posted... I was trying to ask what tier the fashion class is under as well as psy 1000. Also, what online classes qualifies as a tier 3 gen Ed course? Thanks a...
  12. Hi all, I am having some trouble understanding all of the tiers on my
  13. Cardiac RN gone rogue

    Thanks so much everyone! I am very type A as well and I am hoping that my need for organization and control do not get in the way. I am somewhat excited about feeling like a new grad again. Something...
  14. Cardiac RN gone rogue

    Thanks so much for the advice. I feel like a new grad just thinking of OB. Nope I do not work there. K
  15. Cardiac RN gone rogue

    Im jumping ship! I've been a cardiac RN in a CVU for 2 years now and I feel it has completely run it course. I sat down and did some deep thinking and remembered that my inspiration for nursing was a...