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  1. IV Push Med Dilution

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but I have trouble with this. Does anyone know a good site for recommended med diultion and infusion rate chart for commonly used meds in the
  2. Funny Names

    How about this one. George W.
  3. Nope.
  4. I Passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I did the Hurst review and it was great. It was fun and very
  5. Tested today 5-31-07

    I found out today at around 3:00 that I passed.:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :monkeydance: :monkeydance:
  6. I Passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Passed Also!!!!!!!!!!this Feels
  7. How many got only 75 questions?

    I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: THANKS TO
  8. Tested today 5-31-07

    MissKitty, I'm going through the same thing. I took the test on Tuesday and still there is no answer. Mississippi doesn't do the quick results. I'm going out of my mind. I too had only 75 questions....
  9. Passed!!

    :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: [color=lime]congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!:balloons: :balloons:
  10. How many got only 75 questions?

    Still don't know. Misssissippi doesn't offer quick results. I've been checking MS board of nursing website and still no number popping up. Is this a bad
  11. I passed!!!!!Thank God!!!

    congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:balloons: :balloons: I took my test yesterday morning and I got 75 questions. Hope I have the same good
  12. How to find out if you passed or not

    I'm in Mississippi and I've been told by other nurses that you can go to the board of nursing website and do a nurse inguiry. Type in your last 4 of your SSN and last name and if a number pops up...
  13. I took the NCLEX yesterday morning and I was done in an hour and only got 75 questions. When it shut off, my heart sank and I felt sick. I had no dosage cal. questions(which I'm good at), lots of...
  14. Do you think I passed?

    I just took my NCLEX yesterday morning and it shut off at 75 qestions. I felt sick to my stomach. I also live in MIssissippi and have been told that you can go to the Mississippi Board of Nursing...
  15. I will be starting my internship in the NICU next month and I wanted to ask all you seasoned nurses that work in the NICU what is some of the things you can't live