Genevieve RN

Genevieve RN

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About Genevieve RN

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  1. trying to avoid burnout

    Oh you have the right idea. You might need to make it 10 days. My husband and I just booked a trip to the Bahamas for February. Just the thought of this week long trip will get me through the...
  2. Calling in sick

    We have to call at least two hours before the shift, although I always give them more time. I just call staffing, give my name, title and unit and say I am calling in sick for day shift. End of...
  3. Required reading for all future and present nurses

    I picked up this book in Barnes and Noble the other day after reading about it here. I was visiting my parents, but started to read it right away. Some parts are making me angry, some parts are...
  4. Meal planning for those long!!!

    I make a big delicious salad with all kinds of stuff (tuna or chicken or mozzarella for protein, avocado, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, tomatoes. EVeryone admires my salads. I bring a piece of...
  5. Ode to Preceptors from a new RN..

    What a nice
  6. Charge nurse Issues

    I am frequently in charge with a full assignment. (I work Peds we get 6-7 pts. max). I'm also precepting a student extern this summer and usually have to be in charge and have the student too...
  7. What exactly WERE the female doc's take on
  8. have you ever left nursing for something totally different?

    Very interesting posts............thank you very much for sharing.
  9. I was a secretary until I graduated nursing school. I also took a paralegal course while a nurse and got a certificate. I've worked as a Nurse Paralegal/Consultant too. My dream is to own a...
  10. Can't stop the nightmares- please help

    {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}} You need to speak with a therapist right away. You might consider taking a leave of absence for a few months and just do fun happy things. It will help, trust me. I also worked...
  11. have you ever left nursing for something totally different? --------------------------------------------------------------------------Re-post from Career board: Has anyone ever left nursing for...
  12. Has anyone ever left nursing for something totally different? I'm interested in seeing what people leave nursing to do. It doesn't even have to be you, it could be a colleague etc. Sometimes the...
  13. Advice needed on Personality 'Fit' to Specialty Choice

    wow that was interesting. My number one was radiology. lol. I'm in Peds and Peds was listed 34th.
  14. staffing tried to trick/bully me in today!

    Wow, I just read all of these stories and I am shocked. geez. I have caller i.d. I always have my machine pick up when the work number comes on. If I speak to them, they just beg and it's...