
Omaapecm ASN, RN

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All Content by Omaapecm

  1. Just started Ramp and thinking of stopping

    I am in the state of nevada and am under a probationary contract. I am having a rough high risk pregnancy and do not want to continue with my program while I going through all of this, especially while I am not working. I spoke with my lawyer who ad...
  2. test results?

    Affinity does not report test results in Nevada. I wish they would but I guess that would just be another thing to stress about.
  3. test results?

    Thank you so much, I will try that!
  4. test results?

    I have looked and looked. Figured they didn't report. Can you tell me where to go?
  5. test results?

    I am with affinity and try don't report test results. If you dirty your cases maher calls, otherwise you walking blind. It really is awful! Never knowing and always on ok a and needles
  6. Negative Nancy

    It's really nice that you can step back and recognize this. I know with myself when I become negative and hateful about things I can totally become self destructive and these can lead me to relapse. Venting always helps me, as long as it's short live...
  7. medical coding for revoked lpn license?

    It may different from state to state. It is best to just call the state Board and ask. I would love to know the answer to this myself.
  8. Found a positive to my program..

    Always go to find the positive!
  9. Hair products

    I think it depends on what they test for. I began my contract with a panel that tested for ethanol. At that time I never paid much attention. However, thy know do etg testing so it is a lot more sensitive. Makes things nerve racking. Find a product a...
  10. Hair products

    Just read read read all labels
  11. Hair products

    I use head and shoulders, herbal essence and Paul Mitchell. I've never had any problems.
  12. Questions about my probation

    This doesn't sound like anything I've heard of. Keep us updated and good luck.
  13. probation question

    I know in the state of Nevada that is not an option. wish it was!
  14. Want to get my RN while on monitoring program?

    I would recommended finish your monitoring then start fresh. I had a 1 year monitoring when I applied for my CNA license. I had just started my program when I was accepted Into the nursing program. I was concerned about being able to work as a CNA., ...
  15. What to expect during assessment for TPAPN

    Great post CryssieD I couldn't Have said it betters self. I can here myself giving the exact same "explanation" about my drug use. My favorite was "I was young, had no kids , no responsibilities so I experimented a lot!" Sure, that's the way things s...
  16. What to expect during assessment for TPAPN

    Well said. So confused by this post
  17. Thanks for the additional info. It's always good to be familiar with new products!!!
  18. Frustration setting in!

    So still haven't heard anything from my lawyer regarding my case. Am I going to be able to continue my nursing career or what? I feel like just withdrawing from monitoring and going back work as an MA. I am 37 and just found out I'm pregnant with my...
  19. Frustration setting in!

    So I finally hear from my lawyer and she said my hopes is to try and make an offer to the board of a 3 year probation agreement. This means my situation going public. Can some elaborate on what exactly that means! When I meant withy lawyer she was mu...
  20. Frustration setting in!

    Thanks odaat!
  21. Frustration setting in!

    I already see a counselor and an very close with my sponsor. the thing is I am totally right in my heart about with everything, maybe not so much my brain. My counselor says I over think and analyze to much and he certainly is right. Just to refresh...
  22. Need opinions

    Each state is different and can basically require whatever they like. Some require a minimum of 3 and other 5 years. I feel for you. Good luck!!!
  23. Just get in the habit of reading labels. All labels! Even face washes, lotions and moisturizers. I uses baby lotions just to be on the safe side. It most certainly can make you paranoid. If uncertain just error on the side of caution.
  24. IPN issues- 2015

    It is so nice to get an update from you. Of all the awful stories I've heard, yours has been the most disheartening. I'm glad you decided to get a lawyer, it really was your only option. Keep us updated
  25. Hiring Process with addiction issues NA

    I am in the state of Nevada and y monitoring program consists of the following . No access to narcotics the first year, no grave shifts, no ore than 90 hours per week of work, minimum of 20 hours of work, 2 meeting a week and uds. Most employers in a...