Personally, I think it's a load of crap that wouldn't hold up in court, but this is what they're telling us now. They basically told us, "this is how our lawyers told us to get around this pesky...
I was wondering if any other OR nurses in PA had heard of this in regards to the new law regarding mandatory overtime: I work in an operating room in PA. The way our department is trying to get out...
I work in an operating room in PA. The way our department is trying to get out of this is to say that when a patient arrives in the hospital and has an IV started, at that time his surgical procedure...
Well, judging by the two replies I have received along with the number of people who have read this thread and not responded, I have to think that most of you believe I should just give it up & go...
I am a new OR nurse (July 2006). Graduated from nursing school 6/06, and am 45 years old. I had a meeting yesterday with our teacher practictioner about their "concerns" with my work and learning...
When I was just starting my orientation, we had a very sick patient. I was very gentle and kind to her, held her hand during anesthesia and before she drifted off, I told her I would be with her the...
I'm so glad you started this thread! I am an older "new" nurse (45yo), and went straight to the OR. Three months into my orientation I had to have back surgery & was out of work for three...
As a very nervous student nurse trying to assess my patient and fill out the mountains of paperwork for the day, I told my patient "Just a few more questions & I'll be out of your hair." Patient...
Best of luck to you! I started nursing school at age 43, so to me 28 is still WAY young LOL. I knew I had some hearing loss, but didn't know how bad it was. During school I always sat in the very...
Just today, I was at a stop sign in a parking lot. There was a big pillar obstructing my view of the exit of a store. While I was stopped, a woman crossed in front of me with two little girls. I...
THANK YOU for this post! You have summed up all my frustrations very succintly. I was 3 months into my 6-month orientation when I had to have back surgery for a herniated disk. When I go back, I...
We started with about 75 in our class; 10 of those were men. I think we graduated 42; about 7 guys were left. I loved the guys in my class. They were so much fun, and very dedicated (I'm 45 and...
Just an update.....I got the job in OR!!!!!!!:smiley_aa. HR called and said they would like to offer me an OR job, and I said I would be VERY happy to accept an OR job. Thanks for the support here....
Hi, I hope someone can help me make sense of this situation. I interviewed on Wednesday for the OR. I thought the interviews went very well, and was pleased with them. Rumor has it there are 3...
I will turn 45 the day before I graduate from an RN program this June. I am the oldest in the class and, God willing, will also be the salutarian (sp?). Hardest thing I've ever done in my life, and I...