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  1. Average day in the life of a nurse

    dont leave for casemanager job its a joke if they are telling you that its 8-5 m-f more like 8-6,7,8 whenever and dont forget the weekend catch up for paperwork. stay where you
  2. Do you prefer 8 hour or 12 hour shifts?

    either hospice nurse salaried 10-12 hours 5 days a week then at least 5 on weekends plus on call all for 50,000 a year sweet deal my employer has
  3. Is it like this everywhere?

    I know how you feel hospice nurse here, everything keeps getting cut. Work m-f 8-6or7 back in on weekends for 5 hours or more to catch paperwork up and dont forget call sometimes 9 day stretches along...
  4. yes for sure, stressful as it is there is no greater satisfaction than being a
  5. LVN's how much you make in 2010?

    goodness I am a BSN RN and most of you make more than i do! Been a nurse for a year and a
  6. where i work we use sensicare and nystatin by mixing the two together and then applying. Seems to
  7. I have a post turp patient who's foley wont drain independently into the drainage bag. If you unhook the tubing it will drain freely, hook it to a leg bag it drains. It has been irrigated no clots...
  8. :confused:Can anyone help with this problem? Post turp patient catheter wont drain into foley bag but will drain into the leg bag what could be causing this? It has been irrigated, bag changed, will...
  9. help thinking of getting out of nursing

    I am sorry I don't want to whine. I should never have taken this job, I feel like I am in over my head here. The management is really bad and the policies change daily. I have waited for 4 days to...
  10. I am a brand new RN who took a job in long term care. The working conditions are deplorable. I have 54 geri psych residents and feel like i am unable to keep up. I try so hard but have no supplies,...
  11. Freeman - Joplin, Missouri

    what is the pay for new graduates in joplin missouri thinking of moving there and working at St Johns any advice would be appreciated,
  12. I am a new grad and will be starting at North Kansas City hospital soon. I have a pre employment physical coming up and i am not a young women. I know there will be a drug test which i am not...
  13. 40 year old starting NS and taking the ACT

    You can do it! I went back to school at 40 too. Had not been in school for 20 years and didn't even have a high school diploma. I was determined and got every ACT and GED book I could find and wound...
  14. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I am so glad that it is normal to feel this way. I am reevaluating myself and going back next week with a different strategy. I will not give up. I will follow...
  15. I am in my last semester and feel like I have never taken a nursing class in my life most of the time. I fight with the computer every day at clinical and feel like I forget as much as I remember...