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  1. Thank you, thank
  2. Thank you very much
  3. hello guys, i am working in a nursing care plan and i am having hard time to define my goals: my patient had an abdominal surgery and my nursing diagnosis is : risk for bleeding: complications of...
  4. Thank you both for help me, your comments are really
  5. Hello, Does any body know if Risk for postpartum fatigue is an aproved NANDA
  6. hello again, after apply the maslow's hierarchy of needs my list is the following: 1. risk for deficient fluid volume related to blood lost secondary to uterine atony/ episiotomy. 2. constipation...
  7. Thank you very much Esme 12 I will work on it right
  8. hello, i need help please!!! i am a nurisng student and i am doing my first ob care plan and i have find and list 11 nursing diagnosis in order of priority. i am having hard time to prioritice these...
  9. hello, i need help please!!! i am a nurisng student and i am doing my first ob care plan and i have to list these nursing diagnosis in order of priority. please, can someone give me their opinion?...