prioritize OB nurisng diagnosis?


hello, i need help please!!!

i am a nurisng student and i am doing my first ob care plan and i have find and list 11 nursing diagnosis in order of priority. i am having hard time to prioritice these ...please, can someone give me their opinion?

1. risk for deficient fluid volume related to bloodlost secondary to uterine atony/ episiotomy.

2. infection risk for

3. fall risk for

4. impaired skin integrity

5. acute pain

6. fatigue

7. knowledge deficit

8. activity intolerance

9. constipation risk for

10. breast feeding readiness for enhanced

11. childbearing process readiness for enhanced

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

prioritization is done by the patient's most important needs. keep in mind that the care plan is a problem solving process, so each nursing diagnosis is actually a patient problem. you list the problems in the order of which is most important of needing attention first. most instructors suggest prioritizing by maslow's hierarchy of needs. the hierarchy from most important to least important is as follows:

  1. physiological needs (in the following order)
    • the need for oxygen and to breathe
    • the need for food and water
    • the need to eliminate and dispose of bodily wastes
    • the need to control body temperature
    • the need to move
    • the need for rest
    • the need for comfort

[*]safety and security needs (in the following order)

  • safety from physiological threat
  • safety from psychological threat
  • protection
  • continuity
  • stability
  • lack of danger

[*]love and belonging needs

  • affiliation
  • affection
  • intimacy
  • support
  • reassurance

[*]self-esteem needs

  • sense of self-worth
  • self-respect
  • independence
  • dignity
  • privacy
  • self-reliance


  • recognition and realization of potential
  • growth
  • health
  • autonomy

nursing resources - care plans

critical thinking flow sheet for nursing students

Thank you very much Esme 12 I will work on it right now!!!

hello again,

after apply the maslow's hierarchy of needs my list is the following:

1. risk for deficient fluid volume related to blood lost secondary to uterine atony/ episiotomy.

2. constipation risk for

3. activity intolerance

4. fatigue

5. acute pain

6. impaired skin integrity

7. risk for infection related to postpartum period

8. fall risk for

9. knowledge deficit

10. breast feeding readiness for enhanced

11. childbearing process readiness for enhanced

since i am taking care of a woman who is in the first 24 hours after delivery and it is normal that the patient has not voided yet ... constipation should be the second most importan diagnosis? i am a little be confused.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

What is more important to you? Of course you are tired, but you can't rest if you are in pain. Safety is key....especially after delivery, with fatigue and pain meds to amplify impairment of gait a greater risk of falls is present and poses a safety risk. The constipation can be caused by trauma and narcotic use. there is always a risk for infection when skin integrity has been impaired.

How long after delivery...the should void with in 8 hours....

During school I was always taught actual problems should be prioritized higher than 'risk for' since they are actually occuring as opposed to might/could happen.

Thank you both for help me, your comments are really helpful!!:lol2:

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

All these exercises are for one purpose and that is to start thinking like a nurse. Well done.

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