Hello all! I'm looking to move on from my Med-Surg job and need some advice on my resume. Here's what I have so far: Work Experience (Hospital Name) October 2016 -...
futurenurse16 replied to futurenurse16's topic in General Nursing
I've actually done a few day shifts on my floor when staffing allowed me to. The day shifts I worked weren't overly hectic in my eyes and I was able to handle it all. I also oriented for 6 weeks on...
Hello all! So, I've been working as a nurse for almost a year on night shift now. I started my job in September 2016. I work on a medicine floor the 7p-7a shift. Nights have been hard for me (sleep...
Thank you all for your comments. This is my first nursing job. I am a new grad. For sleeping, I have blackout curtains and an eye mask that I use to sleep. When I wake up, I feel all thrown off. I...
I'm a new grad who just started working nights (7-7) and I am not adjusting well at all. I feel sick all the time. I can't eat. I feel shaky all the time. No matter how much I sleep, I feel exhausted....
I've been licensed since July 2016 and have applied to almost 100 positions since the day I found out I passed. I've been on interview after interview and everyone has said no. Almost everyone I...
The main thing about UWorld is to read the rationales for every question and not worry about the percentages too much. My overall percentage of correct answers on UWorld was 55%. I felt reading the...
Hello all! Well, it's crunch time for me. Got my ATT yesterday and scheduled my NCLEX for July 19th (the next nearest day available, sadly). There are so many resources available and it all seems...
For my lab, the week before we were going to cover respiratory, my lab instructor told us to wear a tank-top underneath our scrubs because we would remove our scrub tops to listen to lung sounds....
futurenurse16 replied to futurenurse16's topic in General Students
I understand that it is difficult to place students in hospitals. And I'm sorry if my post seems like I'm complaining. I'm very happy to be in my final semester of nursing school after this long and...
Today, I got the e-mail I've been waiting all of nursing school to get: My Capstone placement. I was so excited to see where I was placed. That excitement turned to pure hysteria when I saw I was...
futurenurse16 replied to Cynthiahatespatho's topic in General Students
I was in your shoes just last year. All throughout my pre-req classes I was so excited to get started. However, I felt different once I started. I remember two weeks into the semester I wanted to quit...
I know how you feel. Those nursing textbooks are sooo expensive! I went through the same thing last year and funny thing was that I hardly even needed to open the books! I maybe opened them 4-5 times...
futurenurse16 replied to BellaInScrubs's topic in General Students
Nursing school is very time consuming of course. With all the schoolwork, studying, clinicals, and (if you work) on top of it, it can take a big chunk of your life away that you would normally spend...