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All Content by cassidygal

  1. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    Can I ask you guys when you sent in your deposit? I ask because I just sent mine in, and haven't received my contract yet. Trying not to let my mind wander, hoping that there is a link between sending in your deposit before they mail you that contrac...
  2. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    I haven't received my contract yet. When did you get yours?
  3. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    Okay, I may be crazy or facebook could just be causing me issues for no reason, But I searched and couldn't find the event! Any chance it isn't public?
  4. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    Okay, so I tried to start our facebook group, but it won't let me create the group without inviting one of my friends (so annoying!) so I was hoping to become friends with someone on fb through here, then it will be open for others to join! So diffic...
  5. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    Where are you guys taking chem? I'm in general chem 1 at Nova. Let's all decide on a name for the facebook group and I'll work on starting it.
  6. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    Wow Cobalt25, that sounds so awesome, kinda sad I already live in Arlington. Although I'm pretty happy here! But to Minlat- I live in Arlington VA off of Columbia Pike near the pentagon. I think it is a pretty safe neighborhood and cheaper that Rossl...
  7. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    Well, now that both emails are in, it is starting to feel official! Anyone else get the WHC scholarship?
  8. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    I'm sorry to hear that the email didn't contain good news for you. I hope you don't give up on your plans to pursue nursing. It could have easily been one of us not getting in, so know that I am truly sorry for the pain you are feeling now.
  9. Advice for new nursing students?

    Hello there- I just got my acceptance letter for a 16 month Second Degree BSN! And I would love some advice from everyone about what its like to be a new nursing student. Any tips you can send my way? What kind of bag did you use? Traditional back p...
  10. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    So happy to get that email!! I'm so excited to be a part of this class! Now just have to hear from WHC to find out if I can afford it! I hope it was good news for you all too!
  11. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    So now you are waiting on an email from Laura about when we are getting the email. Kinda hilarious! Totally agree on owing you a drink!!
  12. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    So I guess we won't be hearing anything tonight! I'm so ready to know what my life will be like in a few months!
  13. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    HA! I'm slightly less excited to walk downstairs and check my mail though! The only time I've ever gotten one of those mugs it was broken into several hundred pieces in the box! I think that I may pour myself a giant glass of wine at 5pm.
  14. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    Yeah I am literally sitting at my computer checking my email every five minutes and running to the mailbox every 20 minutes. At this point I just want to know, even if it is terrible news. Although I'd prefer good news!!
  15. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    You are not the only one!!! I think this must be some crazy test to see which one of us tweeks out while waiting!!! The worst thing is that I had no idea when we got the last email. It was out of the blue! I kind of wish they hadn't told us the date ...
  16. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    Okay, today the lack of news is testing my patience!! Has anyone heard anything? I'm starting to wonder if we will hear by email or if I should start stalking my mailbox for the mailman!
  17. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    It is nice to see that I'm not the only one going stir crazy waiting for news. As for not stressing today, I'm accomplishing that with a pitcher or beer while watching some football. I'm thinking that once we all get good news (fingers crossed) Sunda...
  18. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    Yeah this is basically torture. I've been checking my email every few minutes! I'm really hoping that we'll hear by monday. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!
  19. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    I've given up hope that we'll hear tonight, but it doesn't seem likely that we'll hear on a Saturday either. Do you think we will have to wait until Monday? That sounds like torture. I'm really hoping we'll hear about WHC on the same day! I'm so read...
  20. Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

    I feel like I am going to break my computer or iphone because I CAN'T STOP checking my email!! How confident are people that we will hear in an email instead of via snail mail?