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All Content by chandrapn2011

  1. chandrapn2011

    took my Nclex PN today

    I won't this is my dream. Do you know how long it take to get the final results?
  2. chandrapn2011

    took my Nclex PN today

    I just did the pvt. I got the bad pop up also. I'm crying now. But I'm going to get up and try again. This hurts really bad
  3. chandrapn2011

    took my Nclex PN today

    How many questions did you have?
  4. chandrapn2011

    took my Nclex PN today

    My bad...I was in tears when I left
  5. chandrapn2011

    took my Nclex PN today

    I took mine yesterday. I'm afraid to do pvt...I was almost inteard when I left. But I just started praying.
  6. chandrapn2011

    please pray for me

    Pray for me too. I'm going in a couple of hours! Pn nclex
  7. chandrapn2011

    Drug Calculations Help! is free nursing student dosage calculations website
  8. chandrapn2011


    Hey Ladies and Gents, I have been gone for awhile, a couple of months back i falled pharm. Well i retook the class and passed it. I am in Fundamentals now, and I feel very proud of myself for not giving up. I started a thread and got very encourageab...
  9. chandrapn2011

    Need help finiding LVN-BSN programs

    indiana State University, they have a lpn bsn..and it's regionally accredited,,not sure how long it is though. Good Luck. Chandrapn2011
  10. chandrapn2011

    Pharmacology help !

    Hi, Try,,,they have conversions on the website,,It's free and its for nursing students. I just failed pharm,,if i could found this website I would have passed. This website is interactive.,,I will pass it the next time. Good Luck, Chan...
  11. chandrapn2011

    Failed Pharm One

    Hi, Let me say that i am so disappointed that i failed pharm one, i have to retake the class. I thought I was ready I went in confident that i would pass it. It was a bomb that blowed up in my face. I was passing the class. Well the exam was 20% perc...
  12. chandrapn2011


    CONGRATS...This is inspiration to all nursing students.
  13. chandrapn2011

    First Week of LPN Program Down

    You can do it, Get a planner big enough that you write on each day, This way you can keep up with what is due in each classes. You will have a lot of homework and exams. You will also have group projects. The planner will keep you on target. Good Luc...
  14. chandrapn2011

    Failed Pharm One

    Thank you too. There is another interactive website one is for nursing students. Have a Blessed day.
  15. chandrapn2011

    Failed Pharm One

    It is..I recently started class.
  16. chandrapn2011

    Failed Pharm One

    Hi, I have never liked math. But Im gonna start loving it. I know what you mean about being down. But you and I have started to persue our dreams when alot of others just dont. So we were brave even to give it a we might as well fight til th...
  17. chandrapn2011

    Failed Pharm One

    When I woke up this morning, I said to myself, He didnt bring you this far to leave you, Im going all the way, I googled several free dosage help websites. I going to keep on studing and Im going to make it. This is my dream. God says all you have to...
  18. chandrapn2011

    Failed Pharm One

    Thanks...I really appreciate that, I know this is what I am supposed to do, I prayed and asked God to be with me and help me, Because it is his will. I prayed for you too. May God enrich your life,family, and career. Thankyou
  19. chandrapn2011

    Dosage Calculations

    I am really trying to understand this. I was in class last night, and i understand the method but it is confusing when you have a problem like 1gr/5ml and the physician has orders 500mg??...some please help me...please
  20. It seems to me that disired over available is easier to understand. I understand ration and proportions, but get lost in the calculation process. I am I alone? HELP!
  21. chandrapn2011

    Dosage Calculations

    THANKS, Do you use this method on all your calculations?
  22. chandrapn2011

    LPN program at Mercy Hospital

    thankyou for the information.
  23. chandrapn2011

    LPN program at Mercy Hospital

    I checked FDOH said they I need to check So where ekse
  24. chandrapn2011

    Ptec April 2011 online

    Hi, I was just reading your post, I know of the school Medprep in Tampa, They have lpn classes but only in day and evening classes. The day class starts in January(day), February for nights.You have to take the tabe and teas and also have to have a c...
  25. chandrapn2011

    LPN program at Mercy Hospital

    Hi, since you are in Miama area, I think?..have you heard of Azure College, they are supposed to opening a campass in Sebring which closer to me?