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All Content by CanadianWolverine

  1. Psych Nursing in Canada

    Any Canadian Psych Nurses out there want to give their experiences on their PNing job?:)
  2. USA RN to Canada

    I will be trying to do this in the future. I was wondering from anyone who has done this how hard it was for you to accomplish and if the gov't made it any easier on you because of how hard up Ca. is for Nurses especially in small towns.
  3. USA RN to Canada

    Well the answer to all that is that you are saying that they will not help along the paperwork. I don't agree as I know examples that contradict it. I don't think the door is wide open or nurses are in demand in every hospital or small town. Really i...
  4. USA RN to Canada

    Ah, finally a concise and apt opinion on the subject. Thank you. I am prepared to wait if need be. I will have a job in the states at a private hospital until we move back anyway. Where was that nurse trying to get a job btw?
  5. USA RN to Canada

    For the simple reasons that I have stated of course. That MY area hospitals are actively recruiting for RN's because NO nurses want to work here and the hospitals are millions of dollars in debt from paying overtime to RN's to cover. Also it currentl...
  6. USA RN to Canada

    Lol so you don't know either. I was't looking for relocation but expediency on paperwork mostly. since you are canadian and not form the states or another country I garner that you have no experience in this process either correct? I am currently a b...
  7. USA RN to Canada

    Yes I agree they were being honest. Helpful...I am not sure how when I already stated what I wanted/needed to know. I am finding that this is a forum unlike any I have been to where going off topic is par for the course. The thing is all the RN'S and...
  8. Psych Nursing in Canada

    I fail to see where I was insulting or rude. In fact it was quite explanatory and concise. Perhaps you could point it out exactly Brian.
  9. USA RN to Canada

    Sorry but no. Why is it on this forum people want any excuse to voice their opinion on any subject which does not relate in any way to the original topic? I am a member of many boards and people normally would be kicked out of the convo long before n...
  10. Psych Nursing in Canada

    practical nurses in bc are usually referred to as LPN's here and RPN's are known as something else in the east so I figured the title was enough for you or anyone else to put 2 and 2 together with my own abbreviation lol. I have done enough research ...
  11. USA RN to Canada

    I am sure your right although still off Ontario. I am from BC. I know who does the hiring at the local hospitals. I know the job market here. Now enough of this lol. Back to the original topic.
  12. USA RN to Canada

    yes a degree plus some specialization.
  13. USA RN to Canada

    Still off topic lol, but I know of a lot of small towns that are, including my own and the three surrounding it. Getting a job is not a problem. I can get one for sure hen i am done. Now back to the original topic please.
  14. Reasons For Burn Out

    Hi there, I am a Canadian male who is going to be a US citizen soon. I am planning on going to school to become an RN either specializing in Psych or Oncology. I am interested after reading all the threads/posts on burn out as to what...
  15. Reasons For Burn Out

    Amen lol
  16. USA RN to Canada

    Well first I meant how the actual paperwork and effort and time was to do it. I am not an RN yet but can get a job easily in my local hospital when I am finished. I am also a Canadian citizen. I will have passed the NCLEX and worked for a year before...
  17. Is it sexist....

    Since I powerlift I would imagine when I get to work I will be asked to do a lot of it just from my build. Doesn't bother me one bit. Sometimes I get asked to lift something for a lady in a grocery store. I am hassled by family to help them move. Jus...
  18. Is it Hard to be a Healthy Nurse?

    No matter what your job is you need to make healthy eating and exercise your lifestyle to be successful. I normally put in 126 hours with the biz a week when busy and can still fins time to lift some weight and make healthy choices in eating. A big ...
  19. Guys, do you wear your wedding band to work?

    Meh i rarely wear mine anywhere. I know I'm married and I just hate wearing jewelry.
  20. Reasons For Burn Out

    Well it would be nice if an employer did that consistently...I have yet to run into that in any area I worked except as a sous chef which started out the way you mentioned it anyway. When you do make a mistake apologize quickly, make no excuses and i...
  21. Reasons For Burn Out

    Thanks again for your point of view.
  22. A Matter of Respect and Dignity: Bullying in the Nursing Profession

    Hmm I have worked in places where death threats and other violent threats were made against me and others because #1 we were noobs, and #2 some was because of race. The only people to continue to get bullied were the ones that stayed silent or never ...
  23. Reasons For Burn Out

    Pretty much my thinking right now exactly. Yes this is I am imagining....instead of me having to put up with what I do 7 days a week 3-4 days with no at home baggage is well...:heartbeat
  24. Reasons For Burn Out

    This sounds like it's the hospital you are working at no? I have been a patient at or been the close family member in a few scenarios where I have been able to watch (like a hawk) the workings of the nurses. They all really help each other and are th...
  25. Reasons For Burn Out

    My mother still does the staffing in our local hospital for the nurses and they call in sick all the time. I know they are understaffed in the worst way and are under a lot of pressure to work extra days and stay late. They have a very low turnover r...