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All Content by LPNtobe

  1. does anyone have any ideas about where else to apply for a part time job. I went to the hospitals in my area and to the nursing homes they all pretty much say the samething. Either we dont have anything right now or you have to have completed your fi...
  2. I start the LPN program on August 19 I'm very excited and alittle scared too. has anyone gone to JF Drake or Calhoun here? what are the programs like? Where did you do clinicals? Thanks for any info. Tammi
  3. Any ideas on finding a part time Job

    Thanks for the great ideas. I have a friend who works at one of the hospitals here and she's going to talk to some people there and see if she can help me get on sooner. My hubby finially got a break in his job and he should start making more money i...
  4. finding a student nurse job

    Well I think it is still good advice for us who are Nursing Students now. I think I will try that tomorrow. I really need a job after buying my books today.
  5. Share your tips & shortcuts for moms/students!

    Great tips But are there any for moms with babys. I have a 9 month old and Dad is great but can handle the baby for very long periods or is no good at cleaning or cooking. But I also have a 17year old [which is a senior this year and thinks the world...
  6. Hi I start JF Drake State in Huntsville AL Aug 19th 2004 Tammi
  7. Any one go to JF Drake State in Huntsville

    Makes perfect sense. Sorry to here about your accident. I bet you will do great. Maybe we can study or something together sometime. I know we dont have the same classes but we are working toward the same field [Nursing]. May we can help each understa...
  8. Any one go to JF Drake State in Huntsville

    Hi, No I dont have that class I will be in LPN104,105,113,133, MAH105,ORI101. Do you have to take ORI101? I have it Thursdays 1:00 to 2:00. I was told every new student had to take this class. Its Orientation to college that last all semster. I wonde...