Maggie in NC

Maggie in NC


About Maggie in NC

Stressed out mom of one 13 yr old beautiful drama queen

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  1. Decisions. decisions

    Another thought: See if the nursing program has evening classes. You're going to be pulling your hair out but you can get everything you want accomplished! Good luck! And, GOD BLESS YOU, cuz I would...
  2. My intent was to show the many cards these people are trying to play to get nurses to join "their cause." The sooner PEOPLE (not just nurses) realize that they can make change without literally...
  3. So...if you have an RN (ADN) would getting a Bachlor's Healthcare Admin really get you any where? Just
  4. Anyone thinking about med-school?

    I haven't thought about med school but I have thought about P.A. school. Just seems as rewarding with better hours than an N.P. Any thoughts regarding my perception are
  5. Stethoscope Questions... Please Help!

    The Master may be overkill but, if you have a problem hearing sounds with others talking around you the Master is THE TICKET! Our class even bought our instructor one for Christmas because she...
  6. This was posted on a very popular site. Don't think they aren't recruiting elsewhere....please notice the politcal statements used (see items in bold). Labor Union Organizer Date:...
  7. New Graduates In The Icu?

    Some new nurses want to go into ICU/ER because it is a requirement for application into some C.R.N.A. and P.A. programs. (Don't flame me!!) I certainly wouldn't want to spend a year or even six months...
  8. New Graduates In The Icu?

    Some new nurses want to go into ICU/ER because it is a requirement for application into some C.R.N.A. and P.A. programs. (Don't flame me!!) I certainly wouldn't want to spend a year or even six months...
  9. A CNA job will teach you sterile field, patient contact, and how to interact with staff. It's very valuable experience. Get state certified and go for
  10. high school students Intro to Nursing program wanted!

    I live in a very rural area. The high school system is extremely supportive of early career choices for students. They have a program called HOSA-Health Occupation Students Association that allows...
  11. I think i' losing my mind

    You deserve a medal for raising that many kids and still being SANE enough to want to help others in need! Don't panic-you can handle it-heck you raised 4 kids! I wouldn't worry about the rumors...
  12. which PDA should I buy??

    I bought the Dell Axim X50v. It's a beauty. I love the WiFi on it as well as the MP3 so far! I'll let you know it works when school
  13. What are the item(s) you need most for nursing school?

    Scrubs with pockets like painters pants. Love the access to my scissors, pens, and change without having it in my scrubtop pockets (which seem to spill out every time I bend
  14. Get Over Here & Clean My Screen!!

    We need some more LAUGHS around here! Please post funny things that you've read on the net that made you laugh so hard you thought you'd spew coke on the computer screen! Mine: I recently read about...
  15. Can I just say thank you to the orginal poster? I have PTSD and suffered from depression after the death of my spouse. I have learned from your post that perhaps admitting my PTSD to the BON may not...