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About jbeck817

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  1. Some nurses that bullied me and were let go from my old department d/t neglecting patients went to the BON and stated that I failed to protect a patient by letting her out of restraints. First, I am...
  2. When I graduated I didn't make a big deal because it was a second degree. But a friend (not that close) is graduating from nursing school next week and I want to get her something that would be a good...
  3. What would you do?

    I am somewhat new to nursing. Have been doing it for a year. The first med/surg floor I worked was very much like what your situation now is like. My decision was to apply for a different unit where I...
  4. What did you do before starting Nursing School?

    I did social work with abused
  5. UUUGHH (White-coat syndrome?)

    There's this older gentleman at work who is a CNA. When you ask for help moving or feeding the patients, he constantly states, "I'm just the CNA." I don't know where this comes from and it ticks me...
  6. preceptor problems (long sorry)

    This is ridiculous because a)you are NOT a student anymore and b)you have your own damn license and not just anyone can acheive that. When this happened to me, I talked to my preceptor. We tried it...
  7. Why is everyone on Protonix

    I always tell fellow staff that Protonix should be in the hospital water
  8. "Just" a nurse? You can do so much better!

    IMO, the doctor spends a small (10-15min) amt. of time with their patient. The nurse assigned to a group of patients often ends up noticing the intricacies of the pt's physical condition and notifies...
  9. funniest thing you saw a nurse do.......

    Do you think Bush is looking to win the war on
  10. Stress and Burnout

    I am on Wellbutrin, an anti-depressant Approx. 65% of the nurses on my unit have stated that they are taking an anti-depressant, some in combo. w/therapy. It is not that we hate nursing. It is that...
  11. No More Bedside Nursing, I Quit!

    I know exactly where you are. I am an 2004 grad, almost 7mo. in acute med-surg. I HAD to go part-time after 6 months. But it has been a good choice because I can call the shots now. The staffing...
  12. We need a Nursing TV show

    That's what I'm talking about!!! We deal with such extremes of the emotional spectrum and the stories on the show would be amazing. I think there is alot of quirky, amusing things that we have to work...
  13. We need a Nursing TV show

    Boy there are lots of scenarios in our world. Doctors and ER folks have "ER", MD's have "Scrubs"-so I think we should have a TV show. Maybe a show about life in an acute care med-surg nursing unit,...
  14. Don't Like It!

    I agree! I have spoken with several seasoned nurses and fresh from nursing school nurses who agree it is nothing like it was or presented to us in clinicals or school. I have worked in several places...
  15. No Luck for Me :(

    I went to Linfield (TWICE! got a BS and a BSN) and it's not that great. After graduating and working, you meet the nursing instructors for other schools. One finds out that Linfield gets only about...